
In Ufa there passes the international conference on ophthalmic surgery "East-West"


10 July 2012, Tuesday 00:00

In Ufa there passes the international conference on ophthalmic surgery "Eas...

A meeting of physicians called "East-West" this year dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Ufa research Institute of ...
The results of the contest "My mom and dad work at the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases"


5 July 2012, Thursday 00:00

The results of the contest "My mom and dad work at the Ufa research Institu...

5 Jul 2012 in the Assembly hall of SBI "scientific research Institute UV GB an RB" it's been rewarding young artists, ch...
International courses on vitreoretinal surgery, age-related macular degeneration and ophthalmic manifestations of diabetes

News: Conference

11 June 2012, Monday 00:00

International courses on vitreoretinal surgery, age-related macular degener...

In Ufa on June 7-8, 2012 on the basis of state budgetary institution "research Institute UV GB an RB" passed the interna...
Ufa takes the leading ophthalmologists in the world


9 June 2012, Saturday 00:00

Ufa takes the leading ophthalmologists in the world

8 June in the Congress hall of Ufa took place the solemn opening of scientific-practical conference "East-West 2012" ded...
"EAST-WEST" scientific-practical conference on ophthalmosurgery with international participation


8 June 2012, Friday 00:00

"EAST-WEST" scientific-practical conference on ophthalmosurgery with intern...

In Ufa on June 7-8, 2012 on the basis of state budgetary institution "research Institute UV GB an RB" held a regular sci...