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  4. The forum held in Europe and the States surpassed in the last century

The forum held in Europe and the States surpassed in the last century

11 July 2012, Wednesday 00:00 Просмотров: 839

Rich and intense was the program of scientific-practical conference on ophthalmic surgery "East-West 2012". This already traditional international forum of specialists in eye diseases annually in Ufa leading ophthalmologists from all over Russia and many countries of the world. The current gathered more than five hundred participants, was held in the Congress hall and was dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases.

Both days of the conference with the early morning opened with a stream on the big screen indicative of operations in operating the Institute conducted surgeons from Moscow, Ufa, Izhevsk and Germany. If for Muscovites and hopefully this "live surgery" became routine, the German Dr. Rudiger Korff came to us for the first time and I got what is called, from the ship to the ball. Early in the morning he flew to Ufa airport, and at ten o'clock was already in the operating room, where he spent the patient the removal of the cataract affected lens and subsequent implantation of an artificial intraocular lens.
The operation lasted fifteen minutes and was successful, and the incision was only one inch, which caused the admiration of watching the manipulations of colleagues. A doctor from Germany, in turn, expressed admiration for the excellent organization of both the operational process and the way we are working the whole conference. He noted that the forum is no different from the level undertaken in European countries.

The next day there was a plenary session devoted to the significant date.
Today in Ufa gathered by leading ophthalmologists from around the world, - said the Director of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Mukharram Bikbov. - Recently, our Institute has become the "educational base" for ophthalmologists. This conference is proof of this. Within our meetings are indicative of the operation with modern equipment summarizes the results of the application of advanced technologies in the treatment of many common diseases. For the third year in a row coming to us Professor from Germany Ingrid Kreissig. Lectures on surgery of pathologies of the ocular fundus she travels around the world...
Accompanied by slides on the screen before the audience was the whole story of one of the leadinginstitutions of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It was formed in 1926 on the basis of the regional hospital with 50 beds. The main task in the early years for doctors and nurses was the fight against trachoma is a very common disease among the population at the time. Experts traveled to remote areas of the Republic, conducted the survey and treated the sick. Thanks to the efforts of the team in the 60-ies of the trachoma as a mass disease was eliminated. By the way, in such an advanced country like the United States, this was achieved only in the next decade.
Since then until the present time the Ufa Institute of eye diseases holds the leading position among other specialized institutions. Constantly under research and development, established a school of pediatric ophthalmology, is expanding cooperation with many Russian and international medical organizations. The Institute carries out innovative projects for the treatment of congenital and acquired diseases of the cornea. Introduced minimally invasive, sparing surgery with minimal incisions.
Here for the first time in Russia was developed by ophthalmic device "Uplink", which allows to significantly improve the condition of patients with severe diseases of the cornea, and many of them allows to maintain performance. Specialists of the Institute are regularly marked with high state awards.
Another portion of such awards - "Merited doctor of the Republic of Belarus" and "Honored worker of health of Belarus" to the four employees of the Institute were presented by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Fidus Yamaltdinov.

The Minister of health RB George Shibaev in his speech said that today the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases has become one of the leading institutes where qualified professionals provide high-tech specialized care not only to patients of our Republic, because people from other regions of the Country.
According to the Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences RB Rihani Kulakovoy, success and well-deserved reputation of the Institute is that all research results that scientists get immediately tested and implemented in the therapeutic process.
For many years of fruitful work for the benefit of scienceRepublic Academy of Sciences of Belarus awarded the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases Honorary certificate and cash certificate for the purchase of equipment.
In the framework of the conference "East-West-2012" was conducted international courses on vitreoretinal surgery, age-related macular degeneration and ophthalmic manifestations of diabetes. Hosted satellite symposia, presentations, poster session with a competition for the best poster presentations. There were discussed actual questions of diagnostics and treatment of glaucoma, corneal surgery and refractive surgery, discussed the main aspects of pediatric ophthalmological diseases, problems of treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eye.


IN the PICTURE: the delegation of Germany (second from right - Dr. Rudiger Korff). Photos of Lily ZAHAROVOJ.