1. Science
  2. The Department of surgery of the cornea and lens

The Department of surgery of the cornea and lens

450008, Ufa, Pushkina str, 90

In 2010, Ufa research Institute of eye diseases was organized by the Department of surgery of the cornea and lens under the supervision of the Director, MD, Professor M. M. Bikbov: the Department facilitated integrated provision of tertiary eye care based on fundamental scientific-practical basis. For various reasons (promotion of laser vision correction, the progressive development of cataract surgery, the increasing number of diseases of the cornea) the relevance of this branch of ophthalmology has increased dramatically. Today the equipment of the Department meets the modern requirements and is not inferior to the leading foreign clinics. The Department staff provides a full range of specialized eye care at the highest level.


The work of the Department includes the development of methods of diagnostics, technology, surgical and therapeutic methods of treating diseases of the cornea and lens, surgical correction of ametropia.

The work of the office includes conservative and surgical treatment of diseases, such as cornea and crystalline lens by introducing the most modern techniques. On the basis of the obtained results together with the scientific-production Department develop products of medical appointment and medical equipment.

Being a "pearl" ophthalmology, cataract surgery has undergone a revolutionary leap forward in its development of "intracapsular" the femtosecond laser and phacoemulsification of the crystalline lens. The Department performs various techniques of lens surgery with cataract, including complicated cases.

Specialists offices providedcapabilities, femtosecond Laser, kirurgiyhdistys implant the most advanced intraocular lenses (monofocal, multifocal, toric, and plus), including lenses premium. All types of surgery are performedskilled surgeons, high-tech equipment. Surgery about cataract removal can last from 5-7 to 20-25 minutes depending on the complexity of the case.Pentalateral, widely used, allows to carry out some stages of the operation (capsulorhexis, fragmentation kernel) in the automatic mode, enhancing the results of surgery.

Special attention is paid to the surgical treatment of various corneal diseases. Due to the popularization of laser vision correction dramatically increased the number of patients with distant postoperative complications.

Keratectasia is a priority direction of scientific-practical activities of the Department. Professionals have extensive experience in the surgical treatment and prolonged observation of patients operated on for degenerative disease of the cornea.

Acute keratoconus

The Department runs a wide range of operations such corneal diseases as keratoconus, corneal dystrophy, various etiologies, secondary keratectasia after LASIK, secondary keratopathy after abdominal operations.

On the basis of otdeleniye in Rossiiya implemented such techniques accrossing corneal collagen, Implantation of corneal ring "MYORING". Doctorsthe Department also conducted all kinds of keratoplastic: epikeratophakia, penetrating, anterior lamellar and endothelial keratoplasty. These operations are carried out with the use of modern equipment ("DIOPTEX POCKETMAKER") tools, Trepakov.


The basis of the work in the Department of experimental and clinical research collection on development and introduction of new, improved methods of treatment of various pathologies of the cornea and lens. Developed methods and medical products are protected by various patents, and diplomas. The staff of the Department regularly participate in national and international conferences, earning recognition and awards.

grant ESCRS

Patents and inventions


Annually the Department staff produced more than 50 publications in various national and international journals.


  • Planning and execution of innovative projects for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cornea andof the lens;
  • Conservative and surgical treatment of degenerative diseases of the cornea.
  • Phased treatment keratectasia;
  • Keratoplasty for various corneal pathology;
  • Methods for the prevention of graft rejection by subconjunctival injection of anti-VEGF drugs;
  • The study of the structure aberrations after surgical treatment of keratoconus;
  • Development of medical devices in ophthalmology;
  • Intraocular keratorefractive surgical correction of ametropia in adults and children;
  • Learning outcomes of implantation of aspheric, toric, multifocal and additional IOL in cataract surgery.
  • The establishment of Eye Bank donor material and the development of methods of preservation graft material

Accumulated 25 years of experience in the study of corneal ectasia has been realized in the publication of the monograph under the editorship of Professor M. M. Bikbov: "ECTASIA of the CORNEA".

The monograph is devoted to etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of various corneal ectasias. It reflects trends in the treatment of this pathology modern methods of early diagnosis and surgery of corneal ectasia.

The own experience and results of work over the last 20 years.


Ophthalmoscopy – primary and mandatory method of research to objectivelyto assess the condition of the eye.

Electroretinography:– measurement of curvature and refractive power of the cornea in a few thousand points (from 6000 to 15000), the results of which are given in the form of a color map of the cornea. Standard topographer based on the principle of the reflection of Placido rings, where the data are recalculated in values of the curvature

Pachymetryis a method that allows to determine the thickness of the cornea at various points.

The survey can be carried out on different handsets which princeline different, therefore can be marked differences in the results data.

There are different methods of determining the thickness of the cornea:

  • Contact – contact philtrum (ultrasonic wave determines the distance between the front and rear surface of the cornea
  • Pachymetry on ротационнойSheimpflug the distance between the reflected from the front and rear surfaces of the light-slit
  • Pachymetry on the EAST where the laser scanning allows to calculate the distance between the front and rear surfaces of the cornea

OST of the anterior segmentallows you to scan the anterior eye (cornea, anterior chamber, the iris, the anterior surface of the lens) and assess the condition of the cornea with high resolution. Estimated thickness, the status of all layers of the cornea, the presence and location of corneal implants.

Confocal microscopy (HRT III)– intravital microscopy of corneal tissues at the cellularlevel in the state of physiological activity. This inspection allows to detect morphological changes in the cornea is still in the preclinical stage of the disease the cornea.
Aberrometry is used to detect errors in the optical system of the eye and depending on the severity and nature of these errors to identify the initial signs of the disease.


Professor M. M. Bikbov in the operating room conducts Epicanthoplasty

The crosslinking of the cornea

The Department has the latest equipment for complete diagnosis of pathology of the cornea, surgical and conservative treatment, assessment of the epithelium of the donor material due to the depth of the required graft for keratoplasty.

The operations performed by the Department staff:

  • Standard corneal collagen crosslinking
  • Transepithelial the corneal collagen crosslinking
  • Implantation of intrastromal corneal segments "KERARING" and "FERRARA"
  • Implantation of intrastromal corneal rings "MYORING"
  • Epikeratophakia
  • Lamellar endothelial keratoplasty
  • Penetrating keratoplasty
  • Photorefractive keratectomy
  • Clear lens extraction
  • Implant additional IOL pseudophakic
  • Laser correction of various types ofof ametropia
  • Phacoemulsification of the crystalline lens with implantation of various IOLs
  • Femtosecond laser cataract surgery
  • Famousinternational vision correction

Great attention is paid to the preparation of donor material for all types of keratoplasty.

Femtosecond laser cataract surgery

Treatment of keratoconus

Today there is a wide Arsenal of therapeutic measures in keratectasia, but most of them are aimed at the improvement and correction of refractive changes. Pathogenetic methods of treatment of keratoconus yavlyaetsyato irradiation of the cornea (UV) – crosslinking and keratoplasty.

Treatment methods for keratoconus, applied in the Institute:

  • The selection of hard contact lenses
  • The corneal collagen crosslinking
  • Implantation of intrastromal corneal сегментовKeraringиFerrara
  • Implantation of intrastromal colecao
  • Epikeratophakia
  • Penetrating keratoplasty

For each patient individually justify the choice of method of operation in a particular case.

The Department implemented andimproved method of treatment of keratoconus – corneal collagen crosslinking at the initial and advanced stages of the disease. In stable forms of effective methods of implantation intrastromal rings, perhaps their combination with the method of crosslinking. In the advanced stages with the goal of stopping progression of the disease is epikeratophakia, with persistent opacities and cataracts - penetrating keratoplasty, bullous keratopathy and Fuchs ' dystrophy endothelial keratoplasty.

Surgery crosslinking corneal

Fundamental research related to the development of certain aspects of the pathogenesis of keratoconus, corneal bullosa, its inflammatory and degenerative diseases. The emphasis in research shifted in the direction of nanotechnologies and creation on their basis of competitive products. Developed devices, drugs, new technology surgery eye diseases

The eye of the patient after EKP: 1 week after removal of sutures (left to right)


Since 2007, developed and implemented medical products "Uplink" and corporator "Extralink", a therapeutic effect which is based on the correct biomechanism pathologically altered optical structure of the eye – the cornea. Received registration documents, authorizing manufacture, sale and application in territory of the Russian Federation.

Serial production of products is carried out thanks to the successful cooperation with the production companies of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The equipment is reliable and competitive. Domestic manufacturers of similar products do not release.

Developments of the Institute were presented at many exhibitions in Moscow and Saint-Petersburg (2010-2011), Madrid (Spain, may 12-15, 2011); awarded with diplomas of the contests "100 Best goods of Russia - 2010" and "100 Best goods of Belarus - 2011".


Branch staff conduct training of ophthalmologists in training courses and development of new treatments for corneal collagen crosslinking, acquaint with the latest achievements in rehabilitation of patients with pathology of the cornea at the scientific-practical conference with international participation, workshops. Training allows you to increase knowledge and develop practical skills for individual stages of treatment. The Department trained medical residents, graduate students, clinicians.

Every patient who applied to the Department of diseases of, or damage to the cornea, has the opportunity to receive optimal care, which will improve vision, to improve the socio-labour status and quality of life.

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Conducting a thorough analysis of treatment results, improving and developing modern techniques of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases is at the Forefront of both domestic and world ophthalmology.
