1. Clinic
  2. Children Microsurgery Department

Children Microsurgery Department

14, Aurora str., Ufa, 450092
  Children Microsurgery Department
 Phone: +7(347) 286-53-03

Development of the treatment of children with pathology of the organ of vision is one of the leading in the activities of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. The children's Department one of the oldest in Ufa research Institute of eye diseases: it was organized in 1932, just a few years after the creation of the Institute. At the Department operate on children from all over Russian Federation and abroad. In recent years, under the guidance of Professor M. M. Bikbov: developed and implemented new technologies in cataract surgery, including when subluxation of the lens.

Video YouTube: To. Health - 01.06.16

Currently, children's microsurgical Department is equipped with the most advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment of leading world manufacturers. In our Department are:

cataract surgery, starting from the neonatal period, with implantation of artificial lens selection or contact lens;

  • developed in the Department of technology of surgical interventions allowed to operate children during the first weeks of life with implantation of flexible IOL.


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In the photo the child is 3 months with bilateral congenital cataracts diffuse.
 det6.jpg The same child after 10 days after aspiration of cataract with implantation of flexible IOL in both eyes.
5 years after surgery, the visual acuity of both eyes of the same child was about 0.3-0.4 without additional correction, with correction of +1.5 D=0.5 to 0.7.

  • intraocular correction of aphakia in infants with the syndrome of primary persistirutego vitreous body.
 d7.JPG On photo 11 months, right eye, microcornea syndrome primary persistent vitreous, back version, operating hyaloid artery. Conducted facialpalace vnutrikapilliarnuu of the lens with implantation of flexible IOL with the removal of the cord hyaloid artery with anterior vitrectomy.
d8.JPG The same child after 4 years after surgery.
Visual acuity of the right eye of 0.2 with Corr.- 2,0 D= 0,5
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Fundus and optical coherence tomography region of the optic nerve of the same child after 4 years after surgery. Visible remnants of the reduced cord hyaloid artery on the optic disc.

  • implantation of intraocular lenses aphakia and lens subluxation.
  • To the Department, for the first time in the world, developed a method of intrascleral fixation of the IOL, allowing for the correction of aphakia in the absence of or defect in the posterior lens capsule. Dislocation of the intraocular lens in long-term follow marked neither one of the cases.
  • combined intracapsular fixation of the foldable IOL , with intrascleral fixation of one of the temples when subluxation of the lens
Child 12 years of age. Congenital subluxation of the crystalline lens.

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Stages of the operation of the combined intrascleral fixation of intracapsular flexible intraocular lens.
  • implantation of toric IOL
  • In children after cataract removal with IOL implantation is quite common corneal astigmatism that requires the use of additional spectaclethe correction or conduct excimer laser intervention.The best option is the implementation of vacaspati with implantation of a toric IOL that allows during operation to compensate for the corneal astigmatism.
We have developed a method of implantation of toric IOL's in children with cataract combined with corneal astigmatism. Original markup is the axis position of the IOL laser.

In the operating room after implantation of the toric IOL axis position is set at a pre-applied to lasercoagulation.

  • femtosecond laser cataract surgery in children on the latest femtosecond laser system, the VICTUS (Germany), which allows to perform operations on the lens. Software CUSTOMLENS, including performing capsulorhexis, tunnel incision and paracentesis incisions for and conduct of the fragmentation kernel, ensures an individual approach to simplify the technique and reduce the time of the operation;
  • surgery for congenital and secondary glaucomas: the implantation of drains, the use of antiproliferative drugs;
  • refractive surgery when unilateral of myopia and hypermetropia of high degree, including laser surgery; penetrating and lamellar keratoplasty with scars and opacities of the cornea;
  • reconstructive surgery about the effects injuries of the eye;
  • surgical treatment of strabismus, progressivemyopia, and blepharoptosis;
  • plastic surgery for defects and deformities of the eyelids and orbit;
  • surgical treatment of acute inflammatory diseases of the eyelids and orbit;
  • surgical interventions in the pathology of the lacrimal apparatus (laser transcanalicular dacryocystorhinostomy);
  • plastic surgeryin cicatricial, inflammatory, and congenital defects of the eye subatrophy of the eyeball.