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Glaucoma surgery / edited by T. Chen, 2013. - 320 p.
Optical coherence tomography in glaucoma diagnosis // Kuryshev N. – 2015. – 146 S.
Clinical perimetry in the diagnosis and monitoring of glaucoma / V. P. Erichev, A. A. Antonov / 2016.-89 p. hard cover
Douglas, John.Ri, J. Ri. Glaucoma [Text] : Atlas / G. Douglas.Ri. ; ed. by S. E. Avetisov, V. P. Erichev. - M. : GEOTAR-Media, 2010. - 472 p.: tabl., Il. (Series "Atlas of ophthalmology").
Kuryshev, N. I. Perimetry in the diagnosis of glaucomatous optic neuropathy [Text] : monograph / N. And.Kuryshev. - Moscow : interregional public ecological organization "GREENLIGHT", 2015. - 80 p. Col.Il., table. Fig.