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24 September 2012, Monday 15:32 Просмотров: 832

M. M. Bikbov, N. E. Shevchuk, Z. R. Parvanova, V. K. Surkova

GBU "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus"

The history of creation and development of the institution - a long path of becoming a multidisciplinary research Institute of the Russian Federation. For many decades, since 1926, has changed the discipline of the Institute, management, scientific, profile and direction, but the main purpose is to provide high-quality eye care and the study of actual scientific problems - remained stable. In different periods the Institute was led by professors and senior researchers: V. I. Spassky, H. G. Kudoyarov, R. M. and Tanatarov, S. Kh. Khalitov, M. A. Kalmetiev, M. T. Aznabaev, M. M. Bikbov.

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Dr. med. Sciences,
V. P. Odintsov
(1926 )
font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; letter-spacing: -0.2 pt;">Dr. med. Sciences, Professor
V. I. Spasskiy
Honored worker of science
The RSFSR and the BASSR, honoured
the doctor of the RSFSR and BASSR,
Dr. med. Sciences,
Professor Gulnara Kudoyarov
(1945-1954 gg.)
Doctor of the highest category
M. S. Tanatarovaletter-spacing: -0.15 pt;">

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Candidat med. Sciences
S. H. Khalitova
(1959-1965 ).
Honored doctor
candidate of med. Sciences
M. A. Kalmetiev
(1965-1980 ).
Member of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus,
honored worker of scienceline-height: 115%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; letter-spacing: -0.2 pt;">
RB, honored doctor of Russia and Belarus,
Dr. med. Sciences,
Professor, Director
Ufrii GB (1980-2005).

M. T. Aznabaev
Dr. med. Sciences,
honored doctor RB,
Director Ufrii GB

from 2006 to the present
M. M. Bikbov

style="text-align: justify;">a look into the past

Новый рисунок (2).pngTo evaluate the success of scientists and ophthalmologists of the Institute, it is useful to make a digression into the past, because they were born in the distant 1926 in enthusiasm, humanism and dedication to the medical profession. It was in this year on the basis of 50-koech-Noi regional hospital was established trachomatous Bashkir scientific research Institute (now - the GBU "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus"). The first Director and scientific supervisor was head of Department of eye diseases of the 1st Moscow medical Institute Professor V. P. Odintsov. Much of the credit for the organization of the Institute belongs to the people's Commissar of health of the Bashkir ASSR Kuvatova the Gumer Mukhametkarimovich, through which the Institute has been provided with equipment and medical instruments purchased in Germany.
The main activity of the Institute was aimed at improving the population from trachoma, and the main objectives were the study of the etiology and epidemiology, clinics and treatment of trachoma, training of doctors and nurses. In 20-e years in "Russian ophthalmological journal" published the first scientific works of the Institute employees.

Новый рисунок (3).pngDuring the great Patriotic war, the Institute functioned as a hospital.

In the postwar period, the Institute is once again becoming a scientific and methodological centre for the fight against trachomaand its consequences. Gradually expanded the subjects of scientific research began the development of corneal transplantation, cataract extraction, antiglaucomatous operations, dacryocystorhinostomy. A great contribution to the organization of the ophthalmological help in the Republic at the time, has made scientists and doctors Ageev I. A., F. S. Kuzyakhmetov, N. X. Medarova, A. V. Chubukov, G. A. Valeev, V. A. Gizatullin, L. P. Nevzorova.

The result of scientific and practical activity of the Institute employees, government bodies and the General public has been the complete elimination of trachoma in the Republic in 1965 And in it a huge merit of honored doctor of BASSR and RSFSR, honored scientist of the RSFSR Professor Gulnara Kudoyarov. He belongs to the scientific achievements in the field of microscopy, virological and morphological studies of trachoma, adenoviral conjunctivitis, vernal Qatar, which received well-deserved recognition in national and international research literature, formed the basis of the 4 doctoral and 12 candidate dissertations.
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The staff of the Institute. 1926
row - 5th - O. V. P., Tabakov V.,
style="font-size: 11 PT; line-height: 115%; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; letter-spacing: -0.3 pt;">a number - Gulnara Kudoyarov, doctors Tverdikova, Ageev I. A.

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Significant progress in the development of the problem of trachoma and other scientific fields this period, achieved through research of doctors of medical science N.. Zavyalova, F. S. Kurbanova, R. G. Kudoyarov, R. K. white, Ph. D., M. A. Calmatevi, R. Z. Vaginai, Z. I. Vorontsova, M. T. Aznabaev, G. A. Valeyeva, R. F., Voishvillo, L. R. the Talipova, T. S. Ivanova, D. M. Davletshina, L. E. Chemodanova, L. I. Kamalova, L. P. Korotkova, S. I. Cunjevoi, doctors of the highest category, excellent health S. M. Long, C. B. Simonova, R. I. Margolina, B. C. Gur'yanovoy, L. I. Sungurova, G. B. chernyshovoy etc.

So, trachoma defeated in 1965, trachomatous research Institute reorganized into the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases Ministry of health of the RSFSR (Director - candidate of medical Sciences M. A. Kalmetev). The Institute undertook the solution of new problems. Scientists have begun to investigate the effects of petrochemical products, rubber production in the body.

Revealed the mechanisms of eye damage in certain products oil, developed recommendations for the identification, treatment and prevention of functional changes and diseases of the eye in workers of petrochemical industry (PhD A. H. Giniatullin). Along with this new data on the structure and prevalence of blindness and low vision in Bashkortostan, conducted a tour of the entire child population aged 0 to 14 years, developed a set of interventions for the prevention of pediatricinjuries, glaucoma, carried out planned activities of medico-social rehabilitation of visually impaired people. Embedded lamellar and penetrating keratoplasty (PhD R. F. Voishvillo PhD V. K. Surkova). First described the clinical features of chronic forms oftalmoblennorei infection, established the importance of viremia as a phase of the pathogenesis of ophthalmic herpes (Professor V. B. Malhanov). New data on the pathogenesis of herpes adenovirus and chlamydial diseases of the eye - viremia and secondary immune deficiency (PhD, I. A. Grypus).

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Examination of patients in the outpatient Department. 1934

In the operating room. 1963

In 1981-1982, the Institute became a regional centre of microsurgery and laser treatments (Director - Professor M. T. Aznabaev). Expanded the scientific profile of the Institute. Young specialists began to study scientific problems "Early diagnostics and rehabilitation treatment of children with congenital pathology". For the first time in the country conducted and proved the effectiveness of surgical treatment in children with congenital cataracts, with the neonatal period. Proved the concept of small surgical incisions with a length of not more than 1.5mm. Developed, the problem of surgical treatment of blepharoptosis. Developed new tools, surgical approaches, which are protected by 32 copyright certificates and patents.

Proposed and implemented keratorefractive operation.Created a number of highly effective drugs with wound healing and anti-inflammatory effect in case of damage of the cornea. Wider used options keratoplasty and implantation techniques have been.

The Institute improved methods of reconstructive surgery of the eye injuries and their consequences, keratoplasty, iridoplasty, IOL implantation, vitrectomy. Performed laser surgery for diabetic retinopathy, AMD, glaucoma, amblyopia, opticoreconstructive operations, etc. is conducted for the First time endoscopic cycloheterocumulenes and antegrade endoscopic laser dacryocystorhinostomy.

In 2006 the Institute was headed by honored doctor of the Republic of Bashkortostan, doctor of medical Sciences, Professor Mukharram Bikbov Muharemovic. Over the years there have been dramatic changes in the structure of Institute and personnel potential. Was reorganized the clinic, in particular, reducing the number of beds created new scientific and clinical branch, adult outpatient consultative Department, the Department of functional diagnostics, pharmacy and opticians. Was created Department of vitreoretinal and laser surgery, and surgery of the cornea and lens.

Currently, Ufa research Institute of eye diseases has a strong clinical base, equipped with modern operating rooms, excellent diagnosticequipment. The Institute is composed of 5 departments of the hospital with 290 beds (including children with 50 beds), Department substituting technologies, adult and children's consultative outpatient Department, interregional laser center, Department of anesthesiology and reanimation, functional diagnostics, emergency Department with providing round the clock emergency trauma care.

The main asset of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases - a team, a strong and cohesive team that unites ophthalmologists qualifications, seeking to restore sight to patients and to be the best in their profession. Strap-employment is quite high. Today the Institute employs 94 researcher and physician, most of them have a degree and higher qualification category.

Ufa research Institute of eye diseases is rightly called the main ophthalmic centre for the region. Institute staff provide advice not only to residents of the Republic of Bashkortostan and Russian Federation every year more than 76 thousand people including 16 thousand children. Only in the last 5 years we have consulted more than 450 thousand patients.

Fundamental research and the introduction of modern surgical techniques, stimulation of labour allowed for the same number of professionals to increase the number of operations, the number of which the 2006-2011 exceeded 135 thousand

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In the operating room. 2012

color="#111111"> a week is done more than 250 operations for cataract and for the last 5 years their number has increased 11 times. The application specialists of the technology Department of vitreoretinal interventions, 23 and 25G allows to minimize trauma and reduce inflammation response. The Institute was one of the first in Russia introduced mediko-economic standards of minimally invasive cataract surgery, intravitreal injection antimonopolization drug Lucentis and free implantation children IOL "premium-class". In recent years, in glaucoma, in addition to operations non-penetrating type, is being promoted microinvasive drainage surgery using different models of valves and drains. Actively carried out fundamental research in the area of infectious-inflammatory diseases of the eye and the development of clinical and immunological criteria for their diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

The opening of the branch of substituting technologies has become a significant event for the residents of Ufa and the surrounding areas. The office has modern equipment and has its own operating. Are tumor removal, blepharoplasty, intracanalicular-tion dacryocystorhinostomy and other operations.

New approaches in the surgery of congenital cataracts, including 25G, glaucoma, retinopathy of premature infants have significantly improved the efficiency of surgical treatment. The technology of implantation of a supplementary IOL for the correction of residual ametropia in children and adolescents. Due to the close contact with the local authorities, free delivery on the special transport of patients from all regions of the Republic to the clinic of the Institute, which is surgical treatment.

Currently the priority directions of research activities are: refractive and reconstructive reconstructive surgery, surgery of glaucomavitreoretinal and laser surgery, treatment of inflammatory eye diseases.

Scientific-educational Department led the work on the preparation of young professionals, interns, clinical residents, and graduate students. Systematically conducted courses for the training of ophthalmologists and seminars on selected topics of ophthalmology.

The current stage of the Institute's work is characterized by a significant reorganization of scientific activities, with emphasis on the development of innovative technologies and commercialization of intellectual property. Such direction of work of the Institute is the spirit of the time.

To promote new technologies, the Institute established research and production Department with its laboratories for the production of medical devices and the Department of international relations and marketing, whose task is to bring scientific ideas to a practical result. In particular, a group of scientists of the Institute have developed a device for the treatment of degenerative diseases of the cornea "Uplink" and protector of the cornea "Extralink".

Since 2009 apparatus and corporator are commercially available, were repeatedly presented at various national and international ophthalmology forums and awarded diplomas at the exhibitions of innovative products. Currently, work is underway to create a fundamentally new model for UV cross-linking of the cornea, power meter ultraviolet radiation device for intravitreal administration of drugs and modernization of the production line of foldable IOLs for subsequent serial production.

The results of scientific research staff of the Institute to different problems of ophthalmology over the past 5 yearsreflected 800 publications, including 8 monographs, 86 jobs in Central and 45 - in the foreign press. Scientific developments are protected by 70 patents for new technologies, many of which are embedded in the ophthalmic clinics of the Republic and some regions of Russia. The Institute is one of centers for the training of scientific and practical personnel for ophthalmologic service of Russia and the CIS, as well as a number of overseas developing countries.

In the work of the traditional scientific-practical conference on ophthalmic surgery "East-West" is annually attended by ophthalmologists from the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation and CIS countries, as well as leading experts from Germany, great Britain, Austria, India, etc. on 7-8 June 2012 in Ufa was held the conference "East-West 2012" dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, which was attended by over 500 people. Ophthalmologists of the Republic of Russia, CIS and far abroad participated in the plenary sessions, satellite symposia. The exhibition presents modern pharmaceuticals and ophthalmic equipment. In the framework of the conference for the third time held an International Tübingen courses in vitreoretinal pathologies.

International recognition of the Institute is confirmed by the diplomas and medals received for the development of new technologies. Scientists and doctors of the Institute participate in the work of most scientific conferences, congresses and forums in Russia, international congresses and symposiums, including in Germany, Austria, Spain, England, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, etc. Oral report of the staff of the Institute was voted the best in 2011 at the 2nd EuCornea annual Congress, Vienna (Austria). Leading ophthalmic surgeons of the Institute participated in the "live surgery" at the scientific-practical conferences, including international (new Delhi, India, 2011).

In 2011 for the work "Atlas of ocular pathology" group of employees of the Institute were awarded the State prizeOf the Republic of Bashkortostan in science and technology. A great success was the victory of young scientists of the Institute in the contest of innovative developments. For the presented scientific work "New technologies of treatment of corneal pathology" group was awarded the State Republican youth prize in science and technology.

The Institute carefully preserved traditions, created its own school, and brought up not one generation of researchers and ophthalmologists. Structural reorganization of the scientific and clinical divisions, interest of employees in the end result, commercialization of scientific developments have a positive impact on the development of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. Today, he heads the entire ophthalmic service of the Republic is considered to be recognized Alma mater for medical personnel, allowing effective treatment to patients of various eye care profile on a high professional level, to set new objectives aimed at preventing eye disease, reducing the number of blind and visually impaired.