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  4. Ufa research Institute of eye diseases - 85 years

Ufa research Institute of eye diseases - 85 years

3 August 2012, Friday 00:00 Просмотров: 867

State institution "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases" in 2011 at the age of 85 years. It is quite a large time segment, which reflected the activities of several generations of scientists, researchers and ophthalmologists. The efforts of many hundreds of scientists and specialists of the Institute has a strong reputation as one of the leading ophthalmic institutions in the Russian Federation and the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The Institute dates back to 1926, which, in connection with mass disease of trachoma in the population of Bashkiria, on the basis of a 50-bed regional hospital was established trachomatous Bashkir scientific research Institute. The first scientific leader and organizer was the leading scientist-ophthalmologist, Professor of the 1st Moscow medical Institute Viktor Petrovich Odintsov. Much of the credit for the organization of the Institute belongs to the first people's Commissar of health of the Bashkir ASSR G. G. Kuvatova, which the Institute has been equipped with ophthalmic equipment and medical instruments purchased in Germany.

The activity of the Institute at that time was prompted by life itself: after the Civil war in the regions of the Republic was widespread trachoma. Tasks of the Institute in these years - the study of etiology and epidemiology, diagnostics, clinic, prevention, development of conservative and surgical treatment of trachoma and its complications, training of doctors and nurses. The first scientific work of Institute staff published in 20-e years in "Russian ophthalmological journal".

In 1932 the number of beds at the Institute increased to 150. Were opened bacteriological and histological laboratories equipped with special equipment. In the vivarium the research was conducted on animals. In 1934, the Institute was headed by Professor V. I. Spassky. Withthis period begins the total survey population to trachoma, are created teams of professionals who provide conservative and surgical treatment. The opening of the Institute in 1936 the Department of eye diseases, Bashkir state medical Institute expanded its research to study the prevalence and clinical trachoma, implementation of measures to combat it. The first head of the Department was Vladimir I. Spassky (1936-1955).. Thanks to its creative, purposeful nature, he is successfully engaged in scientific-pedagogical, therapeutic and social activities aimed at improvement of the population from trachoma and treatment of its complications. He has published scientific papers on the diagnosis and surgical treatment of trachoma. For his enormous contribution to the health of V. I. Spassky was awarded the order the Labour red banner and "badge of Honor".

During the great Patriotic war the Institute was occupied by a hospital to treat the wounded.

In the postwar period (1945-1965) the Institute is once again becoming a scientific and methodological centre for the prevention and treatment of trachoma and its consequences. A number of applied works of that period formed the basis of the conducted fundamental research in the field of etiology and pathogenesis of the disease. A significant contribution to the fight against trachoma was made a honorary doctor of the Bashkir ASSR and RSFSR, honored scientist of the RSFSR Gabdulla Kudoyarov Kabirovich. They achieved good results in the area of bacteriological, virological and morphological studies of trachoma, adenoviral conjunctivitis and spring of Qatar. Professor Gulnara Kudoyarov for merits in development of medical science, many yearsfruitful work was awarded the order of Lenin and red banner of Labor. As a result of mass occurrence of organized medical professionals and the public to the mid 60-ies of trachoma has been eliminated. A great contribution to the organization of ophthalmic care in the Republic has made scientists and doctors Ageev I. A., F. S. Kuzyakhmetov, N. X. Medarova, A. V. Chubukov, G. A. Valeev, V. A. Gizatullin, L. P. Nevzorov, F. S. Kurbanova, R. G. Kudoyarov, R. F., Voishvillo and many others.

In 1965 trachomatous Bashkir scientific research Institute of eye diseases was transferred to the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation and reorganized into the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. The main research areas of this period is the study of the effect of chemicals on the body. Revealed the mechanisms of eye damage in certain products oil, developed recommendations for the identification, treatment and prevention of functional changes of the eye in workers of petrochemical industry (K. R. white, A. H. Giniatullin). At the same time investigated the problem of viral eye diseases, prevention and treatment of eye injuries, organizational issues improve eye care services in the Republic.

Big role in attracting talented researchers and creating the working staff of the Institute belongs to leaders who headed the Institute at various times: Professor V. P. Odintsov (1926-1934), Professor VI Spassky (1934-1944), Professor Gulnara Kudoyarov (1945-1954), doctor of the highest category M. S. Tanatarov (1955-1958), PhD sh Khalitova (1959-1965), Ph. D. M. A. Kalmetiev (1965-1980), Professor M. T. Aznabaev (1980-2005). Since 2006 Director of the Institute Professor M. M. Bikbov.

In 80-e years the Institute became a regional centre of microsurgery and laser treatments (dir. – Professor M. T. Aznabaev). Along with training in microsurgery and laser therapy, created new laboratory acquired modern operating microscopes, cryoextractor, facoemulsificator,biometry, keratometry, fundus camera, laser system, machines for the production of contact lenses and artificial lenses.

The scientific profile of the Institute - the development of pediatric ophthalmology, comprehensive treatment, medical and social rehabilitation of patients with lesions of the organ of vision I. the staff of the Institute Dr. sci.

Priority was research in the field of surgery of congenital cataracts. A new concept, which is based on the idea of surgical treatment of congenital cataract in children in infancy, in order to ensure early inclusion in the visual analyzer and to warn him of the functional underdevelopment. The possibility of using small surgical incisions designed devices, instruments, artificial lenses and substantiated minimally invasive surgical approaches. New approaches and additions to the surgery of congenital cataracts, retrolental of fibroplasia has significantly improved the results of surgical treatment of children. Created school of pediatric ophthalmologists and developed new directions in pediatric congenital ophthalmopathology. For the cycle of works "Surgical methods of rehabilitation of congenital diseases of the lens" research team of the children's Department was awarded the Republican prize of creative youth (1987).

The proposed method of epikeratophakia for the correction of high degrees of anisometropia in children, the regularities of changes of the refractive power of the cornea upon suturing of positive and negative violins developed keratorefractive operation, a method for implanting the IOL through the tunnel incision, reconstructive surgery of high complexity in children methodology for fluorescein angiography of the fundus in children.

255);">infectious diseases of the eye (hands. – Professor V. B. Malhanov) - one of the oldest in Russia, the methods of prevention, diagnosis, pathogenetically oriented treatment of viral, chlamydial and infectious-allergic diseases of the eye, established the importance of viremia. Clinical features, measures of diagnostics and treatment of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis complicated forms of adenoviral conjunctivitis.

The priorities of the Department of rehabilitation of persons with injuries of the organ of vision was the study of the pathogenesis of wound healing eye injuries and their consequences, development of methods keratoplasty, surgical treatment of retinal detachment, new drugs wound healing, resolving and anti-inflammatory action. Held closed vitrectomy, removal of the wall foreign body, endolaser coagulation, and sclerocarya vitreoretinal surgery for retinal detachment. Constantly improving the surgical technique for giant retinal tears, eye injury, post-traumatic and diabetic retinopathy, to develop ways of plastic surgery for scarring of the eye and anophthalmos.

Currently the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases – the eye care center of high technologies, including cataract surgery, retinal pathology and vitreous, refractive surgery. The Institute is a large multidisciplinary institution engaged in scientific, medical Advisory, education and production activities.

Since 2006, there have been profound changes in the field of scientific research and ophthalmic practice. In the Institute there are scientific-research and scientific-production departments. In the composition of the research Department 4 scientific departments: surgery of the cornea and lens; recoveryeye surgery in children; vitreoretinal and laser surgery; infectious diseases of the eye. Scientific-production Department includes a laboratory for the production of medical products, and intraocular and contact lenses, Department of international relations and marketing.

The main areas of work:

- pathogenesis, principles of treatment of degenerative and inflammatory diseases of the cornea;

- pathogenesis, diagnosis of congenital eye diseases in children;

- pathogenetic mechanisms, treatment of vitreoretinal proliferation in diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration;

- pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and modern treatment methods for inflammatory diseases of the eye;

- keratorefractive and endoocular methods of correction of ametropia high degree;

- development and manufacture of medical devices in the framework of innovative projects.

The focus in today's research activities shifted towards the creation of competitive products. Since 2007, the Institute plans and executes innovative projects, developing machines, medicines, technology, surgery eye diseases. Organized infrastructural environment for the effective implementation of innovative projects designed for the long-term prospects. This was preceded by a search, selection and involvement of capable professionals, able to create new and implement it. In the selection of personnel an indispensable aid provides training and education Department.

In the process of implementation of fundamental and applied research on problems keratectasia created by the Department of surgery of the cornea and lens. Main directions of activity - development of methods of diagnostics, technology, surgical and therapeutic methods of treating diseases of the cornea and lens, surgical correction of ametropia, the creation of medical devices (M. M. Bikbov, A. R.Halimov, M. Bikbov:, Z. R. Marvanova).

The problem of early diagnosis and treatment of keratoconus and keratectasia is extremely important in connection with the increase in their numbers. Long-term work employees of the Department led to the creation of ophthalmic devices "Uplink" for UV cross-linking, a treatment which is based on correcting the biomechanics of the diseased optic structures of the eye – the cornea. The method contributes to biomechanical stabilization of the cornea in progressive and iatrogenic keratectasia. Device "Uplink" certified and registered in the Register of medical products of the Russian Federation. Scientific and technical level of the device corresponds to the standards of their foreign counterparts.

Studies at the molecular level contributed to the development of new ophthalmic equipment corporatecare "Extralink" involved in the process of corneal collagen crosslinking. Since 2009 apparatus and corporator mass-produced, has been repeatedly noted by diplomas and medals of exhibitions, including international ones.

In the division of vitreoretinal and laser surgery, which was created in 2007, widely used endovitreal surgery for ocular complications of diabetes, hemophthalmus of various etiologies, including surgery using 25 gauge (R. R. fayzrakhmanov). Intravitreal injection of angiogenesis inhibitors is a highly effective treatment for age-related macular degeneration (M. M. Bikbov).

At the Institute the technique 25G used in surgery of congenital cataracts in children, which allows to obtain good anatomical and functional results and reducing the risk of complications (I. S. zaidullin). Employees of reconstructive eye surgery in children deal with the problems of early diagnostics and rehabilitation of children with retinopathy of prematurity and retinoblastoma.

The main activity of the Department for the study of infectious eye diseases is aimed at developing clinical and immunogenetic criteria for the diagnosis, prognosis and treatment of inflammatory diseases of the cornea and uveal tract, determination of the value of secondary immune and hormonalinsufficiency in the pathogenesis of inflammatory eye diseases (V. B. Malhanov, G. H. zainutdinova, N. E. Shevchuk).

Still relevant questions of pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of refractory forms of glaucoma (A. E. Babushkin). Study of clinical and functional results of modern technologies in cataract surgery (M. S. Absalamov), the method of polietileni in the correction of residual ametropia in children and adolescents (A. A. Bikbulatov).

The use of high technology involves training. Constantly engage the youth to scientific research. Repeatedly young researchers have won the Republican grants. The participation of members of the Institute in the all-Russian Youth Educational forum "Seliger - 2011", a Youth Innovation forum RB "INNOVA-2011" has given the opportunity to present their project to representatives of business and government, to listen to unique educational programs, to attract investors. In 2011 a group of young scientists of the Institute (K. M. B. G. M. Bikbov:, N.Uh. The bajmukhametov, A. F. Khabibullin) won the contest of innovative developments and awarded the State Republican youth prize in science and technology. For the creation of "Atlas of ocular pathology" the staff of the Institute (Professor M. T. Aznabaev, Professor V. B. Malhanov PhD N.. Nikitin) was awarded the State prize of the Republic of Bashkortostan in science and technology.

The Institute works closely with ophthalmic scientific schools of Russia and abroad: Germany, Austria, Japan, India, etc. there Is a constant exchange of experience in the development and implementation of new technologies surgery of socially significant diseases of the eye. Annually held scientific and practical conference with participation of leading scientists. Stream "live surgery", the organization of videoconferences with scientists of cities of Russia and abroad contribute to the professional growth of specialists of the Institute, training of young personnel. The results of the work of scientific schools published in leading medical journals, monographs, methodical recommendations, are covered in the media.

Clinic of the Institute of microsurgery 5 offices, adult and childadvice clinic; the Department of functional diagnostics; interregional laser eye center, the departments of the hospital-replacing technologies and laser vision correction.

The provision of medical care in Ufa research Institute of eye diseases in the framework of the compulsory health insurance provides full accessibility to the most modern eye care technology to all inhabitants of the Republic and neighboring regions of the Russian Federation. Wide application in the clinic found a high-tech surgery: minimally invasive 25G surgery in the pathology of retina and vitreous, endothelial keratoplasty, intravitreal antimonopolization drugs transvitreal the treatment of severe retinal detachments with giant breaks and removing impacted into retina of foreign bodies, endovitreal the technique of closure of the retinal tears, laser surgery, drainage surgery for glaucoma, the implantation of modern IOL designs, including the extension of the lens when ametropia.

Despite the large number of private eye clinics, to get treatment in the Institute committed a large number of patients, indicating that the confidence in public institution. Over the past 5 years at the Institute for more than 3 fold increase in the number carried out in year (in 2011 carried out more than 28 thousand operations, including about 2 thousand were children), and on such socially significant diseases as cataracts and 11 times, diseases of the retina by 6 times. Opened a branch of the hospital-replacing technologies.

In recent years, the reconstruction and equipping of the buildings of the Institute. Expanding the range of modern diagnostic ultrasound, immunological, virological, biochemical, and electrophysiological methods.

The decisive factors in the successful development of the Institute today is the stability and high public demand for the services, the opportunity for professional training of specialists not only in the country but abroad as well, good atmosphere. The importance of theoretical and applied research is confirmed by numerous publications, including monographs, inventions,methodical recommendations and manuals for doctors. The result of scientific research and practical work over many decades is the preservation of the Republic in a positive trends in decline in growth rate of ocular morbidity, reducing the number of blind and visually impaired.

Advanced traditions of domestic ophthalmology were laid down by our predecessors, continue and increase in the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases is currently at a qualitatively new level.