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  4. "Now I will see dawn and dawn"

"Now I will see dawn and dawn"

26 December 2014, Friday 00:00 Просмотров: 598

Tell me, what toast definitely sound for the holiday table? Of course with the wish of health and long life. You will seldom meet the person who turns in polyclinics, not meds. Health problems one way or another affect everyone. Complaints to this field set. So nice to read an appreciative line of those who are our Ufa doctors have helped.

"Now I will see dawn and dawn"
Sakina Sultangalievna Khazipova a resident of the town of Agidel, in his letter asks to wish you a happy New year the staff consultative polyclinic Department of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. "On 25 November I was operated on eye. I can see again! It is difficult to convey in words my feelings. Again I want to live. In any medical facility I, vstrechaetsia good relationship, never heard so much good words."
A veteran of high-risk units of the Russian Federation A. Ovsyannikov wrote in honor of the staff of the Institute of eye diseases the whole ode. Here are a few lines: "I'm happy, now I will see the dawn and the dawn and the wonderful physicians I heartily thank you."

26 Dec 2014

Letters were read
Mila Doroshevich