The specialists of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases came back from Hanoi
16 November 2012, Friday 00:00
Просмотров: 608
In the International Vietnamese-Russian eye centre, they taught colleagues the latest methods of treatment. The cooperation proved fruitful, so we are planning that trip to Southeast Asia will continue. Yulai Burkhanov performs the complex operation on the cornea of the eye. And most recently, he taught this to his colleagues in Vietnam. There he, along with other specialists from Ufa returned the sight to local residents. In total there were thousands of operations. On Ula Burkhanova lasted 8 months. He had to go home early, but he was asked to stay to help develop new technology to treat eye diseases. Ufa specialists in Vietnam was also involved in the diagnosis of eye diseases. For this, they went through the villages, visited schools and pensions for the elderly. As it turned out, due to the wet climate here is especially common inflammatory diseases. Many cases of visual impairment identified in children. Especially those who are studying in schools for the gifted. These children more than others are overloaded with information, so they have a large number of myopic children. About 98% of all surveyed. In the near future it is expected that Vietnamese doctors will come to Ufa in order to learn from their colleagues. In addition, now some of the more complex operations of Vietnamese patients held here. The fact that they have at home just does not have the necessary equipment. "Required to carry out a complicated operation for glaucoma. Recovery he also held from us. We are happy to welcome patients from Vietnam and provide the full range of examination", - says head physician of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases zulaikha Marvanova. Currently in Vietnam there are still employees of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. It is planned that the Russian ophthalmologists will go back for at least another few years. This is due to the fact that the country badly needs highly-skilled specialists. Russian doctors were asked to focus on the diagnosis of vision disorders in children.
Rafael Muhametdinov