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  4. A schoolboy from Bashkiria almost went blind after the explosion of firecrackers. To restore vision helped Ufa ophthalmologists.

A schoolboy from Bashkiria almost went blind after the explosion of firecrackers. To restore vision helped Ufa ophthalmologists.

15 December 2017, Friday 00:00 Просмотров: 618

13 Dec 2017
Anwar Of Aslamov

A schoolboy from Bashkiria almost went blind after the explosion of firecrackers

A childish prank almost cost Aydar Ahmerova of view. As he says himself, a friend tossed him a lit firecracker right in your hand.

After the explosion, the boy saw nothing. To restore vision helped Ufa ophthalmologists. Aydar will soon be discharged from the hospital. A dangerous toy he decided not to contact.

Our crew decided to find out: do they sell firecrackers to minors in Ufa. Found — sell. The seller didn't even ask young buyers any documents. Although selling fireworks to adolescents is prohibited by law.

Firecrackers, firecrackers and sparklers on new year's eve in great demand. And it seems that in the pursuit of profit, some sellers have no time to think: who can sell and who does not. MOE inspectors have already started raids on points of sale of pyrotechnics. But children do not suggest to give up firecrackers and firecrackers.
Use of pyrotechnic articles must be made in accordance with the instructions and in deserted areas. And in case of failure of the product is not recommended to approach him within 5 minutes. These basic safety rules will guarantee a good holiday.

The branch of VGTRK GTRK "Bashkortostan"

Published: 13 Dec. 2017
Details:href="https://clck.yandex.ru/redir/nWO_r1F33ck?data=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&b64e=2&sign=184924f4d70852302eeae8e0b788b1c6&keyno=17" target="_blank">https://gtrk.tv/novosti/67619-shkolni...