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Post Conference Report

1 ноября АНГЛ 2 К 1.png
5 November 2024, Tuesday 09:33 Просмотров: 87

On 1 November 2024, Ufa Eye Research Institute hosted the 1st International Forum on integrative ophthalmology. The event was held in a hybrid format and attended by over 500 participants from Russia and beyond.
The Forum was organized around 4 main sessions.

The first two sessions involved resident doctors and young researchers from Ufa Eye Research Institute who presented the results of their clinical trials. 
During the session "Current Issues of Clinical Ophthalmology", Professor Lusine Arutiunian  (Moscow, Russia) discussed the differential therapy of glaucoma with fixed combinations, Dr. Rusln Shaimov (Chelyabinsk, Russia) spoke about preservative-free therapy for glaucoma, Dr. Kseniya Kudoiarova (Ufa, Russia) presented a novel approach to intravitreal therapy for neovascular AMD, and Dr. Svetlana Kidraleeva (Moscow, Russia) reported on the use of nutritional supplements for the prevention of ocular opacities.


The fourth session "Integrative Ophthalmology: A Novel Perspective on Familiar Phenomena" aroused the greatest interest and reaction. Guest speakers from Japan, UAE, the Netherlands and Spain discussed the practicies of integrative medicine and its application in ophthalmology.

Dr. Guzel Bikbova, Associate professor of Department of Ophthalmology of Chiba University (Japan), presented on how to protect the retina in diabetic patients.

Dr. Mohammad Nami, Director of the Brain, Cognition and Behavior Unit at Dana Brain Health Institute (UAE), debated on the link of sleep and neurodegenerative disease in integrative medicine.

Dr. José Carvalho, a medical neuroscientist and researcher from the Netherlands, highlighted integrative approaches to neurodegenerative diseases.

Dr. Paloma Ruiz Blanco, a clinical nutritional therapist (Spain), noted the role of nutrition on systemic inflammation, focusing on its balance with regard to patients' metabolic characteristics.