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  4. Report. VII international scientific-practical conference on ophthalmic surgery "East–West–2016"

Report. VII international scientific-practical conference on ophthalmic surgery "East–West–2016"

14 June 2016, Tuesday 00:00 Просмотров: 643

A traditional meeting of the ophthalmologists of East and West in Ufa


2-3 June 2016 in Ufa took place the VII international conference on ophthalmosurgery "East–West–2016", timed to significant dates of the Bashkir ophthalmology: the 130th anniversary of the founding of the Ufa branch of the Guardianship of the Empress Maria Alexandrovna on the blind, the 115th anniversary of Ufa eye hospital, the 90th anniversary of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases and the 25th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan, which includes the Institute.

The forum was attended by more than 1,100 ophthalmologists from various Western countries-Austria, Germany, Italy, USA, Switzerland. The conference was attended by ophthalmologists from the countries of East - Japan, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, and Pakistan. The CIS countries were presented by the experts from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine.

The Russian delegation was headed by ophthalmologists Directors and leading experts from relevant research institutes such as the interdisciplinary scientific-technical complex "eye microsurgery" them. Acad. S. N. Fedorova in Moscow and its branches in Saint-Petersburg, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Cheboksary, Volgograd, Kaluga scientific research Institute of eye diseases (Moscow), Moscow research Institute of eye diseases. Helmholtz, as well as senior doctors eye clinics, heads of departments of eye diseases of the most various regions of Russia, from Moscow and St. Petersburg to Chukotka, guests were from the Crimea.

The conference took place the solemn ceremony of Dr. Gregor Wollensak (Germany) medal. the first Director of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, Professor V. P. Odintsov. This medal was established in Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, in connection with the 90 anniversary from the day of its Foundation and is the only in Russia, awarded for significant achievements in ophthalmology. Dr. G. Wollensak made a speech response, and also gave a lecture the Assembly about the results of treatmentdiseases of the cornea.

The conference was held at the Bashkir state theatre of Opera and ballet. Just from the stands of the forum was made more than 120 presentations on the most topical issues of ophthalmology, the best of which were awarded diplomas. Breakout sessions, training courses, satellite symposia held in parallel in three halls.

At the conference "East-West" for the first time, along with sessions on topical issues of ophthalmology, held three scientific session of the foreign ophthalmological societies – Germany, India and Japan.

Scientific conference of ophthalmologists, University of Chiba (Japan) was devoted to the results of treatment of pathology of retina and vitreous, which was presented by leading experts - Professor Toshiyuki Oshitari, associate Professor Takayuki Baba, Dr. Gene Miura, headed by the head of Department, Director of the University clinics Chiba, Professor S. Yamamoto.

Known ophthalmologists of India - prof Mohan Rajan, Dr. Sujatha Mohan, Dr. M. Nivean, Dr. J. K. Reddy - reported their results of treatment of cataracts and other eye diseases.

A large delegation of ophthalmologists from Germany - the leading experts of the Heidelberg University, the major eye clinics with high scientometric indicators presented to the delegates of international forum reports on topical issues of ophthalmology. So, head of the Department of ophthalmology, chief editor of the "British Journal of Ophthalmology," Professor Th. Jonas, in his report presented the results of treatment of patients with glaucoma in the clinic of the University of Heidelberg (Mannheim). The results of implantation of subretinal chip in blind patients with severe retinal pathology in the ophthalmology clinic in Dresden reported to the chief doctor, assistant Professor, Dr. G. Sachs. The message of the doctor of psychology W. Kempf (Drezden) from the Institute of education vision focussed on the results of application in the treatment of meridional amblyopia in children modern telemedicine technologies, in particular computer games, presented or simulated thereby young patients via the Internet. Founder and Director of a leading company in manufacturing of artificial lens doctor F. Terminal (Berlin) reported on his experience with refractiveof intraocular lenses. Report of assistant Professor G. Wollensak, Deputy medical Director of the ophthalmic clinic of Hoyerswerda, was devoted to new developments in crosslinking of the cornea. Message German colleagues sparked interesting discussions, both during the meeting sessions and breaks in between.

The international team, which included experts from Austria, Germany, USA, Japan, once again, the 5th time held at the conference "East-West-2016" International training courses on vitreoretinal pathology.

With great interest the participants listened to presentations by ophthalmologists from other countries in Europe and Asia. So, the head of the ophthalmological Department of the hospital. John Paul II in Rome (Italy), Dr. K. Carlevale presented his own experience of surgical interventions in patients with cataracts. Associate Professor at the University clinic Basel (Switzerland), Dr. M. Grieshaber reported on current trends in the surgical treatment of glaucoma. Dr. A. Ebneter and Dr. K. Tappeiner from the University hospital in Bern (Switzerland) shared his experience of treatment of pathology of the retina and inflammatory eye diseases. Director of Corporation "New Vision", Professor Tszyu-Teng Lin (Taiwan) is the founder of laser correction of refractive error LASIK is a widely known method used by ophthalmologists all over the world, presented at the conference the results of his many years of work in this area. The Director of the Department of ophthalmology new York medical College, founder and President of the Association of specialists in pediatric keratoplasty Dr. D. S. zaydman (USA) reported the results of treatment of children with disorders of the lens and cornea.

During the work of videosesso were shown videos of ophthalmologists of Russia, Austria, Germany, Italy and the United States about rare clinical cases. Each film provoked a lively discussion from both young and experienced professionals. Young scientists had the opportunity to share their scientific achievements during the interactive poster session.

Traditionally an integral part of the conference remains "live surgery" demonstration demonstration operations of the operating of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases performed by the leading Russian andUfa ophthalmologists.

Together with the electronic information edition "Russian ophthalmology online" was organized online broadcast of all conference sessions. More than 200 scientific works by Russian and foreign researchers in various areas of ophthalmology was published immediately in three rooms of the scientific-practical journal "Point of view. East-West-2016".

The conference is traditionally held the exchange of experience, acquaintance with modern methods of treatment of eye diseases, including the development of the Ufa Institute of eye diseases, and medical equipment and drugs, the scientific literature, presented at the extensive exhibition.

The celebration of the anniversary events was dedicated to the solemn plenary session, which was attended by the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan R. Z. Khamitov, President of the Academy of Sciences RB Gayazov A. S., Minister of health of Belarus A. A. Bakirov, Vice-Chairman of the State Assembly – Kurultay RB Ilyasov Yu. P., the mayor of Ufa Yalalov I. I. and others honored guest – the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan Rustem Khamitov noted that the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases has deservedly earned recognition not only in Russia but also abroad, and this forum has taken a worthy place in a series of major congresses held in the country in 2016 including in the field of health. He also stressed that faithful implementation by the staff of the Institute for scientific research, the development of innovative, importozameshchajushchih technologies and introduction of new technologies in practical health care, a constant exchange of experience, regular holding of international scientific-practical conferences with participation of leading foreign scientists contribute to the development and growth of indicators of work of the Institute, allowing us to provide high quality deliver eye care to the population of the Republic. Rustem Khamitov praised the work of academics and practitioners of the Institute for health of the population of the Republic and congratulated a number of staff that for professional skill and many years of conscientious work was awarded the state awards.

On behalf of the ophthalmologists of Russia and CIS countries participating in the conference "East-West" (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine)academician S. E. Avetisov congratulated the staff of the Institute with its 90–year anniversary and gave a welcoming address. Due to the fact that the decision of the Academic Council was awarded the title of Honorary Professor of fgbu "scientific research Institute of eye diseases" (Moscow), S. E. Avetisov handed robes and academic headdress Professor M. M. Bikbov.

On behalf of the ophthalmologists of the East (India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Pakistan, Japan) – participants of the conference with congratulations were made by Professor Shuichi Yamamoto (Japan). Ophthalmologists from Western countries participated in the conference "East-West" (Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, USA), all present congratulated Professor Jost Jonas (Germany).

Solemn meeting was continued with a festive concert of the leading artists of our Republic.

A rich scientific program of the conference "East-West", representative of Russian and international participants, an interesting cultural program left an unforgettable impression on the guests of Ufa.

The organizing Committee