- Members of the Institute were presented 4 reports in different areas:
- Standard and transepithelial crosslinking of the cornea (Bikbov M. M.)
- Experience of application of laser Nidek MC-500 Vixi in the conditions of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases (Salamov R. L.)
- The use of intraocular lenses GALAXYFOLD "ULTRASMART" in complicated cataract(Faizrakhmanov R. R.)
- Results femtolazer-assisted cataract surgery in children (zaidullin I. S.)
The forum held a meeting of the relevant Committee in ophthalmology and pediatric ophthalmology under the Expert Council of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation on which reported information about the development of criteria of quality of care and discussed Federal guidelines for some diseases (retinoblastoma, herpetic keratitis or bacterial corneal ulcer, burn eye injury, tuberculous uveitis, congenital cataract, endocrine ophthalmopathy, friendly strabismus).
Was organized an extensive scientific and educational programs, including 23 satellite Symposium organised with the support of the companies-partners of the conference. The forum was held the meeting of young scientists. Young specialists presented their reports at the session "Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in the system is the elimination of preventable blindness". Following the meeting, it was determined the best works and their authors were awarded with diplomas. All the days the forum was accompanied by an exhibition of ophthalmic equipment, instruments, medicines leading domestic and foreign companies. According to the materials of the conference was issued the collection of scientific works "Russian national ophthalmological forum" in 2 vols.