The participation of the delegation of the Institute in the work of the X Congress of ophthalmologists of Russia
A large delegation of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, headed by a Director, Professor M. M. Bikbov took part in the work of the X Congress of ophthalmologists of Russia, held in Moscow from 17 to 19 June 2015 In the delegation included the members of the Board of the Bashkir regional branch of the Society of ophthalmologists of Russia: Adelina F. G. (Uchaly); Arslanova D. T. (Ishimbay); Goranova D. H. (salavatskijj R-n); Direev D.C. (Belebey); Livanov, A. I. (October); Sabirov O. K. (Ufa).
The Congress was held in the building of the Moscow Government, and according to the organizers, the workshop was attended by over 1200 experts from 13 countries, including nearly 300 delegates from 68 regions of the country. Gmain task of the Congress — the election of the new leadership of the society of ophthalmologists, the discussion and adoption of a Resolution defining prioritiesthe activities of the Society, the development of ophthalmic science and practice.
At the opening ceremony with a welcoming speech made Director of the Department of innovative development and scientific engineering of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation Vasiliev, chief specialist, Ministry of health Professor V. V. Neroev, Chairman of the society of ophthalmologists of Russia Kh. p. takhchidi.
The topics of the meetings held in parallel in 5 halls, covered all questions of ophthalmology. All were delivered almost 300 presentations in 15 sessions and 4 satellite symposia. Prof. M. M. Bikbov was a co-chair on the sections "Organization of ophthalmological care, personnel policy", "corneal Diseases, keratoplasty, createprocessasusera" and also partitions the software reports "Review of the achievements of modern cataract surgery and intraocular correction".
It is important to note that despite such a large number of reports 8 oral and 4 poster presentations employees of our Institute has attracted the attention of ophthalmologists in the country.Only the section "corneal Diseases, keratoplasty and createprocessasusera" was presented to 3 of the report:
- M. M. Bikbov "New horizons of corneal collagen crosslinking" (program report)
- Usubov E. L., Zaynullina N. B., Surkova V. K. "Change in biomechanical properties of cornea in patients with keratoconus after corneal collagen crosslinking"
- Bikbov: G. M., Avaeva L. R. "a two-stage treatment of bullous keratopathy"
In addition, had before it the following reports:
- Bikbov M. M. "cataract Surgery and intraocular correction in pediatric practice" - a policy report in the section "Overview of the achievements of modern cataract surgery and intraocular correction"
- Bikbov M. M., Marvanova Z. P., Shevchuk N. E. "7-year experience of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases with funding "in the finished case" section "Organization of ophthalmological care, personnel policy";
- Faizrakhmanov R. R., Yarmuhamedova A. L. "the impact of the locators of angiogenesis in neovascular membrane in patients with age-related macular degeneration" section "Controversial issues of diagnosis and treatment of vitreoretinal pathology";
- Absalyamov M. S., Y. Burkhanov K. "Functional outcomes femtolazer-assisted ultrasonic phacoemulsification" section "Controversial issues of lens surgery".
Poster presentations:
1. Khalimov A. R., Shevchuk N. E. Kazakbaeva G. M. Riboflavin + cellulose polymer, a new tool for saturation of the cornea with ultraviolet a corneal collagen crosslinking
2. Bikbov M. M. Implantation of intrastromal corneal rings MyoRing in combination with corneal collagen crosslinking
3. Bikbulatov A., M. S. Absalyamov the Development of cataract surgery in Ufa research Institute of eye diseases
4. Usubov E. L., Zaynullina N. B., Zainutdinova G. H., Luk'yanova E. E. Standard and transepithelial the corneal collagen crosslinking in treatment of keratoconus in adolescents
At the end of the thematic sessions took place report-back election meeting of the society of ophthalmologists of Russia, which adopted a Resolution defining the direction for further development of ophthalmology in Russia. The delegates elected new members of the Presidium and of the Board. Director Ufrii GB, Professor M. M. Bikbov was re-elected to the Bureau, in addition, there was elected chief doctor of the Institute Z. R. Marvanova. The new composition of the Board of the society of ophthalmologists of Russia became the Deputy Director for science Fnihb N. E. Shevchuk and head of the Department of vitreoretinal and laser surgery R. R.Faizrakhmanov.
Extensive scientific program, communication with colleagues from all regions of our country allowed all participants to gain new knowledge, to present the results of their research, to establish new contacts.