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  4. ПРОГРАММА научно-практической конференции «Детская офтальмология: итоги и перспективы» 7 апреля 2017 г., г. Уфа

ПРОГРАММА научно-практической конференции «Детская офтальмология: итоги и перспективы» 7 апреля 2017 г., г. Уфа

31 March 2017, Friday 00:00 Просмотров: 1107

scientific-practical conference
"Pediatric ophthalmology: results and perspectives"
On April 7, 2017, Ufa

Location: Ufa, Mendeleev street, 158, ENEA
Registration of participants 9:00-10:00


10:00 – 13.00 Morning session
The Bureau: Sidorenko E. I., Bikbov M. M., Ryabtsev A. A., Brzeski V. V., Markova E. Yu.

 The session consists of mini-lectures presented by renowned specialists in ophthalmology. The purpose of the meeting is to familiarize with modern approaches in providing eye care to children with retinopathy of prematurity, congenital disorders of the nasolacrimal duct and the crystalline lens, inflammatory diseases of the eye.

1. Mini-lecture "Modern trends in the diagnosis, treatment, organization of ophthalmologic aid premature babies in Moscow" will introduce students to the organization of ophthalmological care for premature babies in Moscow.

Lecturer – Sidorenko E. I., corresponding member of RAS, Professor, doctor of medical Sciences, head. the Department of ophthalmology of the pediatric faculty Russian national research medical University them. N. And. Pirogov (Moscow)

2. Mini-lecture "Early vitreous surgery for the treatment of aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity" will highlight the indications and technique of performing early surgical intervention in the form of aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity.

Lecturer – Tereshchenko A.V., Sidorov Yu. a., Trifanenkova I. G., Tereshchenkova M. S., Erokhina E. V., Isaev S. V. (Kaluga branch of IRTC "eye microsurgery", Kaluga)

3. Mini–lecture "the Use of toric IOLs in cataract surgery of children" will present to the audience the functional results of surgical treatment of children with corneal astigmatism and cataracts using toric IOLs

Lecturer – Ryabtseva A. A. - doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, chief ophthalmologist of the healthcare Ministry of defense and Ministry of the Central Federal district, head of the ophthalmology Department GBUZ MO MONIKI (Moscow)

4. Mini–lecture "Basic stages of elimination of epiphora congenital nasolacrimal duct stenosis in children" will present the audience the analysis of productivity and causes of the failure of different therapeutic interventions carried out step by step for children with atresia of nasolacrimal duct

Lecturer – Brzeski V. V., doctor of medical Sciences, Professor, head of the ophthalmology Department, Vice-rector on international relations St. Petersburg state pediatric medical Academy (St. Petersburg)

Discussion - 15 min

5. Mini–lecture "Therapeutic hygiene age in the algorithms for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the ocular surface" is devoted to the prevention and treatment of most common diseases of the eyelids, in which modern developed clear algorithm of therapeutic care, including the timing, indications for use of certain hygiene products.

 Lecturer – Trubilin V. N., Polunina E. G. (the ophthalmology Center of FMBA Russia (Moscow)

6. Mini–lecture "Telemedicine technology in retinopathy of prematurity" will introduce students with the main stages of telemedicine technologies in the management of children with active stages of retinopathy of prematurity, are developed for peer evaluation algorithm of digital retinoscopy and the author's program of quantitative analysis of the retina "ROP-МОRPHOMETRY" in these patients. The purpose of the lecture is to enhance the level and quality of care to infants with PH in remote regions

Lecturer – Tereshchenkova M. S., head. children's ophthalmology Department of the Kaluga branch of FGAU "IRTC "eye microsurgery" them. Acad. S. N. Fedorova, candidate of medical Sciences (Kaluga)

7. Mini–lecture "Inflammatory diseases of the eyes of children" devoted to early diagnosis, rational drug therapy and prevention of relapse of inflammatory eye diseases in children

Lecturer – Markov E. Yu., head. the Department of microsurgery and functional rehabilitation of the eye in children FGAU "IRTC

"Eye microsurgery them. S. N. Fedorov" (Moscow), Professor of the Department of ophthalmology of the pediatric faculty Russian national research medical University them. N. And. Pirogov (Moscow)

8. Mini–lecture "Management of corneal ulcers associated with blepharitis in children" will introduce students to the main reasons for development of corneal ulcers in chronic blepharitis, etiopathogenetic therapy and prevention of this disease of the eye in childhood.

Lecturer – D. Maichuk Yu., head of the Department of therapeutic ophthalmology FGAU "IRTC "eye microsurgery them. S. N. Fedorov" (Moscow)


13.00 – 14.00 – Break

14:00 – 17:00 afternoon session

  The Bureau: Sidorenko E. I., Obrubov, S. A.

 Duration of reports – 10 min.

 1. Sidorenko E. I., Nikolayeva G. V., Babak O. A., Besedina E. V. (FSBEI rnsmu. N. And. Pirogov, Moscow)
Modern views on the pathogenesis of retinopathy of prematurity

 2. Sidorenko E. E. (doctor of Russian national research medical University them. N. And. Pirogov, Moscow)
Treatment of retinopathy of prematurity with the use of VEGF inhibitors in the progression of the disease after laser coagulation of the retina

 3. Astasheva I. B., Kuznetsova Yu. d. (doctor of Russian national research medical University them. N. And. Pirogov, Moscow)
Modern approaches to surgical treatment of retinopathy of prematurity

 4. Obrubov S. A. (FSBEI rnsmu. N. And. Pirogov, Moscow)
Myopia: disease or biological variant of the norm?

5. Lobanova I. In. , Khatsenko I. E. (FSBEI rnsmu. N. And. Pirogov, Moscow)
Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients in the cicatricial stage of retinopathy of prematurity

Discussion – 10 min.
