Gatina, Tatyana V.
I want to Express my gratitude to the staff 1 of microsurgery
Department of "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases of the Academy
of Sciences of the Bashkortostan Republic" under the leadership of the
Absalyamova Minnelli of Sharafutdinovich for professionalism,
sensitivity and attention to each patient. From your whole soul want
to Express my gratitude to the attending physician,
surgeon-ophthalmologist Burhanova ULAW Kasipovic who brought us the
vision, so have returned it. Competent, responsive, a true expert in
their field and a good person. We are very lucky that we got to this
doctor. The warmest words of thanks brought the head nurse Lena
Miniyarova Denisovna responsible attitude to their work, for their
kindness and compassion towards patients! We wish you only health and
prosperity. Stay always so kind, smiling and optimistic. Happiness to
you and your family. Thank You! Sincerely, a grateful patient: Gatina,
Tatyana V. Gatiatova Ahmetovna Sariya, Sariya Hodieva Fatihova,
Valiyev Ramil Akhatovich
Shafikova Firuza Rakipova
I Express my deep gratitude to Gazizova L. T, Klyavlino R.
R, all of the medical Commission,and also the worker honey.
documentation Dilbar R. the. Such kindness and generosity from the
doctors is not seen in any other hospital. In 2015 the opportunity to
apply scientific research Institute of eye diseases (Pushkin 90).after
a long survey,admitted the cancer of the eye, in the shortest time
sent to the clinic of Moscow them. Helmholtz.for the operation.Very
pleased with the result of treatment. With the coming professional
holiday! Your good hands, I will not forget Your hopeful opinion Your
help that miracle happen. Your attention everyone is happy. It affects
Your skill And the extraordinary warmth, Together is just magic ! Low
bow to You for humanity !
Tazetdinova Elvera Azamatovna
I want to Express my gratitude to Bikbulatova Rustem Maratovich.Thank
You so much for the excellent conduct of the operation.You have Golden
hands and kind heart.Wish You success in your hard and noble work!!!
Sazhin Vladimir Borisovich
I Express my sincere gratitude to Department Head Khusnitdinova Ilnur
The ildarovich , Doctor - ophthalmologist Seagull Olga, All the nurses
and aides II Microsurgical Department. I wish you Health, Successes in
your noble work!!!! All the best to You!!!! All The Best!!! Your
patient Sazhin Vladimir Borisovich
Radjabov Of Maguma Ahatovna
Good day to all. Was operated for cataract on 22 April 2016. I want to
Express my gratitude to all the staff for the sensitivity, politeness
and professionalism. Very happy with the result. My heartfelt thanks
to Dr. Sarvarova Denis Anusavice. You have Golden hands! I wish You
health, prosperity, further success in Your responsible work!
Latypova Albina Nikolaevna
I Express my deep heartfelt thanks to my doctor Burhanova ULAW
Kasipovic for his professionalism: a steady hand and an individual
approach to the patient. After several years of disability and of the
assurances of the doctors that in my case, surgery cannot return lost
vision, I can see again! Thanks to You, I finally get to see roses
bloom in my garden! Thank you Babushkin Alexander Eduardovich for
increased attention and support. Definitely want to thank the nurses
for their patience, care and a light hand in the proceedings. Written
by latypovoj Albina Nikolaevna her daughter. I want to add that none
of the hospital in which I visited, I have not seen this attitude to
patients, starting literally from the doorstep. The elderly, for the
most part, people are not just patients, but a very important and,
perhaps, your favorite patients! Kindness that comes from honey.staff
is very beneficial and for sick. Thank you all for mom!
Svetlana Davletshina Rishatovna
Good day to all! Wanted to Express my gratitude to the Regina R.,
which I did vision correction. She is very friendly, competent,
attentive and polite doctor. I am very happy with the result. Health
and happiness to You! Also thank you to all the nurses of the
Department. Success and patience in Your hard work. From this clinic I
have only positive emotions.
A. A. Nagornov

Markova E. O.

Bogacheva N. A.
I want to Express my gratitude and my love to the doctor Draft N.With.
It's been 18 years, and I remember the doctor that gave me
confidence,beautiful eyes,and the love of medicine. With 3 years of
age wore glasses. But there was no improvement, and last chance
remained operative treatment.In 1998, a wonderful doctor Chernova N.
With. performed surgery on eyes for strabismus. The most vivid
impression of childhood,and most importantly smooth beautiful eyes,
lifting points (what the child should be!). Remember the doctor who
gave me the aesthetic beauty but also excellent eyesight,under its
supervision was not afraid,and calm. Longer live in Bashkiria. But I
remember and thank the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases , that
at one time received me with love and kindness. And always proud to
say where I had the surgery!!)
Agapova Ekaterina
Grateful to the research Institute and the doctor with the Golden
hands for the opportunity to see the world without glasses. Diagnosis
and laser vision correction took place in a calm atmosphere, without
emotion, the whole process is clearly organized.
Kozlovskaya Maria Pavlovna
I Kozlovskaya Maria Pavlovna 6 April 2016 held a free screening in the
Institute of eye diseases. I want to Express my gratitude to all the
doctors, starting from area "1". For the attention of the retirees,
the People working there with big letters, they are professionals.
Kopteva O. N.
I want to Express my gratitude to the staff of the Department of
physical therapy! For treatment is my four year old daughter. Thank
you for your professionalism and very attentive and sensitive attitude
towards children! Rasim Ramilevna and Guzel Ahmetovna not just great
treatments but also find a common language with each child. For
treatment we go with pleasure!
Nizamov, Shamil Kamilovich
Thank you for completing the survey .Was very touched attentive,
reverent attitude of the staff of the Institute in the framework of
the action"KUSAPIN".Our family members were with you on 19 and 22
March.Very much realized in terms of attitude to their own health. May
God give you all-all good health for your selfless mission!!! All who
together with us have passed the examination , are the same feelings!
You are doing a great job! Elderly people now in the realities of our
reality, unaccustomed to attention! And , thanks to you all, they felt
a second wind! Thank you!!! Contact person: Nizamov, Shamil
Kamilovich, 8-963-891-52-14
Frolov Tamara

Sklizkova Elena

Sakhapov Testin

Nagornov Andrei

Ushina M. M.
THANKS A glimmer of light in the space of darkness Now we can hope,
shone - Again I see beautiful flowers; And live now much better! Thank
you for this clear light, That visibly healed we eyes; For your hard,
hard work; The skill acquired over the years! Doctors, nurses, all
medical staff - We wholeheartedly thank you! Handsomely will return in
the future let to all of you For all the good, righteous thing!
Dedicated respected RACEME TAZIEVA GABCIKOVO and all your team
Scientific research Institute of eye diseases, Ufa at Aurora St., 14
Ushina M. M from the city of Neftekamsk February 2016
Zaynullina X Yakovlev M. I
19 February 2016 You gave us the operation of cataract extraction with
implantation of artificial lens. The first was the extraordinary
fears,after surgery,all fears disappeared.We are very-very happy,so we
write to You words of gratitude for the wonderful operation.Thank you
so much and wish You further Successes in work and private life.With
great respect to You Zaynullin, H. X Yakovlev M. I Bugulma