International publications

Publications in international cited journals 

  1.  Bikbova G., Bikbov M. Standard corneal collagen crosslinking versus transepithelial iontophoresis-assisted corneal crosslinking, 24 months follow-up: randomized control trial // Acta opthtalmologica – 2016. -

  2. Bikbov M.M., Fayzrakhmanov R.R., Gilmanshin T.R., Gilyazova I.I. Morphometric of the interface of the central retina in patients with retinal vein occlusion // Rev. Bras. Ophthalmol. – 2016. – Vol. 75. – P. 127-131.

  3. Oshitari T., Bikbova G., Yamamoto S. Transcription factors involved in cell death and regeneration in AGEs exposed retinal neurons // Acta Ophthalmologica – 2015. - Vol. 93/ 

  4. Bikbova G., Oshitari T. , Baba T., Yamamoto S. Altered Expression of NF-κB and SP1 after Exposure to Advanced Glycation End-Products and Effects of Neurotrophic Factors in AGEs Exposed Rat Retinas // Journal of Diabetes Research – 2015. - № 5. – Р. 11.

Publications abroad

  1. M. Bikbov, A. Babushkin, O. Orenburkina, E. Matyukhina. Effciency of cros-shaped of primary open angle glaucoma // Bulgarian forum glaucoma. – 2014. - Vol. 4. – № 6. – P. 224-226. 
  2. M. Bikbov, I. Khusnitdinov. Canaloplasty in glaucoma, surgical technique and results // Bulgarian forum glaucoma. – 2014. - Vol. 4. – № 6. – P. 220-222. 
  3. Bikbov M.M., Babushkin A.E., Orenburkina O.I., Matyukhina E.N. Fistulizing operations efficiency in patients with secondary refractory glaucoma // Bulgarian Forum Glaucoma. – 2015. - № 1. – P. 4-9. 
  4. Bikbov M.M., Babushkin A.E., Orenburkina O.I. Double trabeculectomy results in surgical treatment of glaucoma // Bulgarian Forum Glaucoma. – 2015. - № 1. – P. 15-18. 
  5. Bikbov M.M., Shevchuk N.E., Zaynutdinova G.Kh. Interferon status of patients with acute anterior uveitis // Kazakh ophthalmologic journal. - 2015. - № 1-2. - pp. 53-57. 
  6. Bikbov MM, Babushkin AE, Chaika OV, Orenburkina OI, Khusnitdinov II & nbsp; On the effectiveness of drainage surgery in refractory glaucoma // Ophthalmology. Eastern Europe . - 2015. - №3 (26). - P.81-86.

Abstracts abroad  

6th European Congress of Corneal Specialists «EuCornea» (Barcelona, Spain)

  1. M. Bikbov, G. Kazakbaeva, E. Usubov, T. Bikkuzin. Toric intraocular lens after MyoRing implantation for non-progressive keratoconus.

  2. M Bikbov, G Kazakbaeva, K Oganisyan, E Usubov. Correlation of corneal thickness in keratoconus before and after MyoRing implantation.

  3. M Bikbov, V. Surkova, E. Usubov, N. Zainullina. Corneal biomechanical properties in patients with the I-III stages of keratoconus after corneal collagen crosslinking.

  4. M. Bikbov, V. Surkova, R. Kazakbayev, E. Usubov. Epikeratoplasty and corneal segment implantation for ametropia correction in patients with keratoconus.

  5. M. Bikbov, K. Oganisyan, E. Usubov. Topographic, pachymetric parameters in patients with Down syndrome

  6. M. Bikbov, N. Shevchuk, G. Bikbova, A. Khalimov. Riboflavin dynamics in cornea of porcine eyes using various photosensitisers for cross-linking. 

ХХХIII Конгресс Европейского общества катарактальных и рефракционных хирургов (ESCRS)(Барселона, Испания)

  1. M. Bikbov, G. Bikbova, E. Usubov. The evaluation of intrastromal corneal MyoRing implantation with corneal collagen cross-linking in keratoconus treatment.

  2. M. Bikbov, G. Kazakbayeva, K. Oganisyan. Myoring implantation after protrusion of intrastromal segments in patients with keratoconus.

  3. M. Bikbov, V. Surkova, K. Oganisyan. Early keratoplasty in patient with Acanthamoeba keratitis: clinical case

  4. А. Bikbulatova, M. Bikbov, E. Garipova. Analysis of anatomical and topographical features of eyes with high ametropia after refractive lens exchange by means of anterior segment optical coherence tomography.

  5. I. Khusnitdinov, M. Bikbov. Results of single-stage cataract phacoemulsification and canaloplasty in patients with glaucoma.

  6. O. Orenburkina, M. Bikbov, A. Babushkin, I. Khusnitdinov. Effectiveness of Glautex drainage implant in surgical treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma.

3rd Congress of Pediatric Ophthalmology (Barcelona, Spain) 

  1. I. Zaidullin, M. Bikbov. Long-term complications after congenital cataract aspiration with flexible IOL implantation in infants. 
  2. M. Bikbov, A. Fayzullina, G. Zainutdinova. Quantitative characteristics of the caliber of retinal vessels in retinopathy of prematurity.

15th Congress of the European Society of Vitreoretinal Specialists EuRetina (Nice, France)

  1. T. Gilmanshin, M. Bikbov, R. Fayzrakhmanov, R. Zainullin. Central retina mapping in diabetic macular edema when perfoming antivasoproliferative therapy
  2. T. Gilmanshin, M. Bikbov, R. Fayzrakhmanov, I. Gilyazova. Intravitreal insertion of dexamethasone implant in treatment of consequences of retinal vein thrombosis.
  3. R. Fayzrakhmanov, M. Bikbov, N. Shevchuk. Cytokine profile of aqueous humour of anterior chamber in patients with age-related macular degeneration. 
  4. M. Bikbov. Baseline characteristics of patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration from the cohort of russian patients in the observational luminous study. An interim analysis. Mukharram Bikbov on behalf of the LUMINOUSTM study group. 
  5. R. Fayzrakhmanov, M. Bikbov. Angiogenesis blockade effect on fibrovascular membrane development in patients with age-related macular degeneration. 
  6. R. Fayzrakhmanov, M. Bikbov. Antivazoproliferative therapy efficacy in patients with age-related macular degeneration in the long-term follow-up period at different levels of localization of choroidal neovascularization 
  7. T. Gilmanshin, M. Bikbov, R. Fayzrakhmanov, R. Zainullin, M. Kalanov. Characteristics of central retina in patients with diabetic macular edema.

19th Winter Congress ESCRS (Istanbul, Turkey)

  1. R. Fayzrakhmanov, M. Bikbov. The choice of vitreal cavity tamponade in patients on macular surgery depending on the Zinn ligament´s functionality after phacoemulsification. 
  2. G. Zainutdinova, M. Bikbov,   E. Lukyanova. Analysis of long-term results of surgical treatment of advanced keratoconus in adolescents.

22 Annual Congress of the British Society of Specialists in Ocular Surface Diseases MCLOSA (London, Great Britain)

  1. Usubov E., Bikbov M., Khalimov A. , Shevchuk N., Bikbova G. Riboflavin dynamics in cornea of porcine eyes using various photosensitisers for cross linking. 
  2. Usubov E., Bikbov M., Bikbova G., Zaynullina N. Transepithelial corneal cross-linking as effective method of corneal ectasia treatment.


Publications in international cited journals

1. Bikbova G., Bikbov M. Transepithelial corneal collagen cross-linking by iontophoresis of riboflavin. Acta Ophthalmol.2014.Vol. 92. № 1.P. 30–34. 
2. Bikbov M., Babushkin A., Orenburkina O., Husnitdinov I., Chaika O. Results of application of Glautex drainage in glaucoma surgery. VI International symposium “National Academy Glaucoma”. Bulgary, Sophia. Р. 9–10. 
3. Bikbova G.,Oshitari T., Yamamoto S. Neuronal cell death and regeneration in diseases associated with advanced glycation end-products accumulation. Neural Regeneration Research.2014.Vol. 9.№ 7.P. 701–702. 
4. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Baba T., Yamamoto S. Neurotrophic factors for retinal ganglion cell neuropathy - with a special reference to diabetic neuropathy in the retina. Curr Diabetes Rev.2014.Vol. 10.№ 3.P. 166–176. 
5. Bikbova G., Sakurai M., Baba T., Kitahashi M., YokouchiН., Kubota-Taniai M., Oshitari T., Yamamoto S. One-year results of intravitreal ranibizumab combined with reduced-fluence photodynamic therapy for polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Clinical Ophthalmology. 2014.Vol. 8.P.235–241.

6. Bikbova G., Baba T., Kitahashi M., Yokouchi H., Oshitari T., Yamamoto S. Level of vascular endothelial growth factor 165b in human aqueous humor. Current Eye Research.2014.Vol. 39.№ 8.P. 830–836.

7. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Yamamoto S. Increased expression of phosphorylated c-Jun and phosphorylated c-Jun N-terminal kinase associated with neuronal cell death in diabetic and high glucose exposed rat retinas. Brain Research Bulletin.2014.Vol. 101.P. 18–25.

Publications abroad 
1. Bikbov M.M., Fayzrakhmanov R.R. My experience with MICS procedures / Мат-лы конференции «VasKon-2014». Chennai, India.Р. 14–16. 
2. Zaidullin I., Bikbov M. Long-term results of toric IOL implantation in children with cataract complicated by corneal astigmatism with preliminary lazer marking the optical axis / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. 
3. Usubov E., Bikbov M., Burhanov Yu., Bikbulatova A. Femtolaser-assisted ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataract complicated with a narrow rigid pupil and lens subluxation / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. 
4. Khalimov A., Bikbov M.M., N. Shevchuk, G. Bikbova. Dynamics of local levels of cytokines in patients with corneal ectasias after UV cross-linking / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. 
5. S. Kuzbekov, M. Bikbov, R. Fayzrakhmanov, Khalimov A. Femto-LASIK efficiency in high myopia correction / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London,2014. 
6. M. Bikbov E. Usubov Ametropia correction after intrastromal corneal ring segment explantation in eyes with keratoconus / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. posters-details.asp?id=20659 
7. M. Bikbov E. Usubov G. Bikbova The evaluation of intrastromal corneal MyoRing implantation in keratoconus treatment /XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. posters-details.asp?id=20660 
8. Bikbov M., Burhanov Y., Bikbulatova A., Absalyamov M. Femtolaser-assisted ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataract complicated with a narrow rigid pupil and lens subluxation / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. 
9. Zaynullina N., Bikbov M., Bikbova G., Usubov E. Clinical outcomes of transepithelial corneal collagen cross-linking in treatment of corneal ectasia / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. 
10. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M., Kuzbekov Sh., Yarmukhametova A., Gilmanshin T. Endothelial protection of the cornea in combined surgery // XXXII Congress of the ESCRS . – 2014. URL: details.asp?confid=18& sessid= 487&type=poster&paperid=20469 
11. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M., Gilmanshin T., Yarmukhametova A. Vitreoretinal operation after phacoemulsification // XXXII Congress of the ESCRS . – 2014. URL: papered = 20470 
12. Zaydullin I., Bikbov M., Burkhanov Y. Cataract surgery with femtosecond laser in children / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. 
13. S. Kuzbekov, M. Bikbov, R. Fayzrakhmanov, M. Kalanov/ Cataract surgery in patients with chronic dacryocystitis / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. 
14. S.Kuzbekov, M. Bikbov, R. Bikbulatov, R. Fayzrakhmanov. Comparative analysis of femtoLASIK and LASIK using a mechanical microkeratome / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. 
15. A.Bikbulatova, M. Bikbov, I. Khusnitdinov, R. Mannanova. Clinical outcomes after Sulcoflex Multifocal® supplementary intraocular lens implantation / XXXII Congress of the ESCRS. – London, 2014. posters-details.asp?id=21285 
16. Bikbova G. Comparison of MyoRing implantation followed by corneal collagen cross-linking (CXL) and CXL followed by MyoRing implantation for keratoconus / 5thEuCornea Congress. – London, 2014. 
17. Bikbova G. Resudial ametropia correction by MyoRing exchange / 5th EuCornea Congress. – London, 2014. 
18. Bikbov M., Shevchuk N., Bikbova G., Khalimov A. Dynamics of local TGF-b1 and TGF-b2 levels in patients with keratoconus and bullous keratopathy after corneal collagen cross-linking with ultraviolet-A / 5thEuCornea Congress. – London, 2014. 
19. Absalijamov M., M. Bikbov, N. Shevchuk. Immunological profile in patients with neovascular membrane associated with age-related macular degeneration / 14th EURETINA Congress – London, 2014 
20. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M., Gilmanshin T. Comprehensive approach to the therapy of hidden neovascularization in combination with retinal pigment epithelium detachment // 14th EURETINA Congress. – London, 2014.URL:
21. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M., Gilmanshin T., Yarmukhametova A. The incidence of epiretinal fibrosis and its impact on the anatomical and functional indices of the central region of the retina // 14th EURETINA Congress. – London, 2014.URL:
22. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M. Dynamics of changes in morphometric parameters of foveolar zone in the formation of active fibrovascular membrane associated with the use of anti-VEGF therapy // 14th EURETINA Congress. – London, 2014.URL:
23. R. Fayzrakhmanov, M. Bikbov, T. Gilmanshin, A. Yarmukhametova. The incidence of epiretinal fibrosis and its impact on the anatomical and functional indices of the central region of the retina // 14th EURETINA Congress. – London, 2014


Publications in international cited journals 
1. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Yamamoto S. Neurite Regeneration in Adult Rat Retinas Exposed to Advanced Glycation End-products and Regenerative Effects of Neurotrophin-4. Brain research. 2013. Vol. 1534. P. 33-45. 
2. Bikbova G., Bikbov M., Transepithelial corneal collagen cross-linking by iontophoresis of riboflavin. Acta Ophthalmol. 2013. № 4. Р. 35-37. 
3. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Sakurai M., Baba T., Yamamoto S. Macular hole after laser in situ keratomileusis in a 26-year-old patient. Case reports in ophthalmological medicine. 2013. № 3. Р. 1-3. 
4. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Tawada A., Yamamoto S. Corneal Changes in Diabetes Mellitus Current Diabetes Reviews. Vol. 8. P. 294-302.

Publications abroad

1. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M., Yarmukhametova A., Gilmanshin T. Epiretinal fibrosis in wet form of age–related macular degeneration. Euroretina. 2013. URL: http: // www. / abstracts.asp. 
2. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M., Yarmukhametova A., Gilmanshin T. The impact of antivasoproliferative therapy on the macula in diabetic macular edema. Euroretina. 2013. URL: http:// www. / abstracts.asp. 
3. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M., Yarmukhametova A. Macular zone interface features in diabetic macular edema. Euroretina. 2013. URL: http:// / abstracts.asp
4. Yarmukhametova A., Fayzrakhmanov R., Gilmanshin T. Silicon oil tamponade of vitreal cavity in primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. Euroretina. 2013. URL: http: // / abstracts.asp
5. M. Bikbov, E. Usubov, A. Khalimov, N. Zainullina, G.Bikbova. Implantation of corneal ring “MyoRing” in combination with intrastromal corneal collagen cross–linking of keratoconus II–III stage Congress of the ESCRS. 2013. 5–9 October, 2013. Амстердам (Нидерланды). 
6. M. Aznabaev R. Hismatullin. Long–term clinical functional results of Aqualase and ultrasound phacoemulsification of cataract 
7. M. Bikbov, R.Fayzrakhmanov, A. Yarmukhametova. Corneal protection in combined surgery 
8. M. Bikbov, R.Fayzrakhmanov, A. Yarmukhametova. The choice of vitreal cavity tamponade depending on the Zinn ligamentṀs functionality after phacoemulsification 
9. M. Bikbov, L. Marvanova, Z.Marvanova. Automated endothelial keratoplasty 
10. A. Bikbulatova, M. Bikbov, R. Mannanova. Sulcoflex pseudophakic supplementary intraocular lens implantation for residual ametropia correction in adults and children 
11. A. Khalimov, M. Bikbov, G. Bikbova. Dynamics of riboflavin in aqueous humor of anterior chamber of rabbit eye following cross–linking with different solutions of photosensitizer


Publications in international cited journals

1. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Yamamoto S.(2012) Diabetes Mellitus and Retinal Vein Occlusion as Risk Factors for Open Angle Glaucoma and Neuroprotective Therapies for Retinal Ganglion CeLL Neuropathy. J. Clinic Experiment Ophthalmol. 2012. № 8. Р.3. 
2. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Tawada A., Yamamoto S. Corneal changes in diabetes mellitus. Current Diabet Reviev. 2012. № 8. Р. 294-302. 
3. Bikbova G, Bikbov M., Daxer A. Descement stripping PocketMaker endothelial keratoplasty. International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Diseases. 2012. № 2. Р. 125-127.

Publicationsover abroad

1. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Yamamoto S.(2012) Diabetes Mellitus and Retinal Vein Occlusion as Risk Factors for Open Angle Glaucoma and Neuroprotective Therapies for Retinal Ganglion CeLL Neuropathy. J. Clinic Experiment Ophthalmol. 2012. № 8. Р.3. 
2. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Tawada A., Yamamoto S. Corneal changes in diabetes mellitus. Current Diabet Reviev. 2012. № 8. Р. 294-302. 
3. Bikbova G, Bikbov M., Daxer A. Descement stripping PocketMaker endothelial keratoplasty. International Journal of Keratoconus and Ectatic Diseases. 2012. № 2. Р. 125-127. 
4. Bikbov M.M., Khalimov A.R. Chitosan-based ophtalmological solution for corneal crosslinking. 3rdEuCornea Congress. Milan, 2012. URL : programme/search-details.asp?id =12816
5. Bikbov М.М., G. Bikbova, Z. Marvanova, L. Marvanova. Оutcomes of descemet stripping РocketMaker endothelial keratoplasty in the pseudophakic bullous keratopathy treatment. 3rd EuCornea Congress. Milan, 2012. URL: programme/search-details.asp?id=12938
6. Bikbov M.M., Marvanova Z.R., Marvanova L.R., Shevchuk N.E. Сorrelations Between Endothelial Cell Density and Local Cytokines Levels after Penetrating Keratoplasty. 3rd EuCornea Congress. Milan, 2012. URL: programme/search-details.asp?id=12943 
7. Zaidullin I.S., Bikbov M.M. Intraocular correction with toric IOLs in surgery of cataracts combined with corneal astigmatism in children. ХХХ Congress of the ESCRS. Milan, 2012. URL: =12652 
8. Fayzrakhmanov R., Bikbov M., Yarmukhametova A. Intraoperative corneal protection during endovitreal surgery in combination with phacoemulsification. XXX Congress of the ESCRS. Milan, 2012. URL: asp?id =12933. 
9. Aznabayev M., Azamatova G.Göz lens yarim çikikken fakoemulsifikasyon yapma özellikleri. 46 TOD. С. 144-145. 
10. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Yamamoto S. Regenerative effects of NT-4 Low dose AGEs exposed isolated rat retinas. 27th APAO congress. Pusan, 2012. 
11. Bikbova G, Bikbov M., Daxer A. Endothelial keratoplasty using Pocketmarker microkeratome/ 27thAPAO congress. Pusan, 2012. 
11. Bikbova G., Oshitari T., Yamamoto S. Effect Of Low Dose Advanced Glycation End - product On Neurite Reneration In Adult Rat Retinas And Regenerative Effects Of Nt - 4 In Advanced Glycation End – products Exposed RetinasARVO. Fort Lauderdale, 2012. 
12. Bikbova G., Oshitari T. Yamamoto S. Neurite Regeneration In Advanced Glycation End – products Exposed Adult Rat Retinas And Regenerative Effects Of Neurotrophin - 4. EVER Nice, 2012.