1. Clinic
  2. Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Group

Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Group

A group of anesthesiology and intensive care has more than 30 years on the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. The staff consists of 4 doctors, 10 nurses-anesthetists. The number of operations increases annually, so in 2012, the Institute was made 32246 operations. Almost everyone operiruemyh patient is anesthesia and emergency care to patients of all ages with disorders of the cardiovascular, endocrine and respiratory systems.

In connection with the introduction of high-tech methods of operations; vitreoretinal surgery, phacoemulsification, dacryocystorhinostomy and the increase in patients with severe pathology like diabetes, retinal detachment, trauma, severe, uncompensated glaucoma, increased provision of anesthesia care to patients. Under General anesthesia, operations are performed in children and patients with advanced, long-lasting traumatic interventions.

The main method of anesthesia in ophthalmic surgery – potentiation of local anesthesia and ataralgesia. Conductor successfully used method of anaesthesia for Vaisblat and O'brien. Used neurotropic, sedative, neuropathogenic drugs solve the problem of the regulation of intraocular pressure and avoid complications during surgery.

In addition, anesthesia service conducts medical Advisory work in medical units during emergency situations in the period preoperational preparation of patients, monitoring of postoperative patients.

Anesthesia service around the clock in the emergency Department with providing emergency trauma care.