Miagkov, A. V. a Manual of medical optics [Text] : part 1. The basics of optometry / A. V. Myagkov, N. P.Parfenova, E. I. Demina. - M. : April, 2016. - 205 p.: Il. - ISBN 978-5-905212-60-4 : 1200.00 R.
The first part of the "Manual medical optics" devoted to basics of optometry, which is the study of methods of correcting refractive disorders. Based on their many years of medical and teaching experience, the authors are available to present the anatomy and physiology of the eye, as well as basic diagnostic techniques, anatomical-physiological and visual function of the eye. A separate Chapter is devoted to the organization of the Cabinet optical vision correction. For medical opticians, optometrists, ophthalmologists, health care providers, as well as for undergraduate and postgraduate students of profile educational institutions.