Kuryshev, N. I. Perimetry in the diagnosis of glaucomatous optic neuropathy [Text] : monograph / N. And.Kuryshev. - Moscow : interregional public ecological organization "GREENLIGHT", 2015. - 80 p. Col.Il., table. Fig.
The publication is dedicated to one of the most important methods of diagnosing glaucoma standard automated perimetry (SAP).
Contains information about the physiological basics of perimetry, peculiarities of localization and distribution of visual field defects in glaucoma. The characteristics of the main indicators of the SAP and the criteria for perimetric glaucoma, and major classification identify the stages of the disease based on indicators of SAP/ Great attention paid to the issue of determining the rate of progression of glaucoma based on SAP and shows how it is used in multicenter trials in glaucoma. The monograph also contains practical guidelines for algorithm perimetry and interpretation of the data obtained.