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  4. October 15, 2011, entered into force order no 808н from 25 July 2011 "On the order of getting qualification categories for medical and pharmaceutical workers"

October 15, 2011, entered into force order no 808н from 25 July 2011 "On the order of getting qualification categories for medical and pharmaceutical workers"

21 December 2011, Wednesday 00:00 Просмотров: 918

The order of the health Ministry of Russia №808н from 25 July 2011
About the order of getting qualification categories by medical and pharmaceutical workers

In accordance with article 63 of bases of the legislation of the Russian Federation about health protection of citizens from 22.07.1993 № 5487-1 (Bulletin of Congress of people's deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1993, No. 33, article 1318; meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, n 35, the item 3607) and with the aim of improving the qualification categories of medical and pharmaceutical workers, p R and to and z y in and Ju:

1. To approve regulations on the procedure for obtaining qualification categories for medical and pharmaceutical workers, according to the application.

2. To recognize become invalid:

  • order of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 2001 № 314 "About the order of getting qualification categories" (registered by Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation August 24, 2001, registration No. 2892);
  • order of the Ministry of health and social development of the Russian Federation from March 19, 2009 No. 128н "On amendments to the regulation on the order of getting qualification categories by professionals working in the health care system of the Russian Federation, approved by order of Ministry of health of the Russian Federation dated August 9, 2001 № 314 "About the order of getting qualification categories" (registered by Ministry of justice of the Russian Federation of 23 April 2009, registration No. 13828).

3. This order shall come into force on October 15, 2011

4. Control over execution of the present order to assign to Deputy Minister V. I. Skvortsova.

The Minister
Tatyana Golikova

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