Aznabaev M. T., Malkhanov V. B., Nikitin N.. Atlas of ocular pathology.
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Aznabaev M. T., Malkhanov V. B., Nikitin N..
Atlas of ocular pathology. — Ufa: GU "Ufa research Institute of eye diseases" of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2008. - 280 p.
The Atlas was prepared for publication by the staff of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases by Professor M. T. Aznabaev, Professor V. B. by Malanova PhD N.. Nikitin. It presents 918 color and 47 Zerno-white photographs of various eye diseases, summarized by anatomical principle in 9 sections. In total degree (409 photos) reflected disease of the cornea and the choroid. In addition to photographs, where appropriate, presents data MRI, CT, rentgenografii and ultrasonogram. Each figure is accompanied by a brief commentary.
The Atlas is designed for ophthalmologists. Also, it will be claimed by General practitioners and medical students.