Erichev, V. P. S. V. Vostrukhin Photobiotechnology. Illustrated guidelines [Text] : illustrated guide / V. P. Erichev. - M. : April, 2016. - 124 p.


The appropriateness of an illustrated guide to techniques of photobiotechnology due to the increasing interest of scientists and doctors to questions of photographic images of ocular pathology. The use of photodocumentary allows you to bring a new level peer discussion of complex clinical cases, to make a more simple and accurate dynamic monitoring of the pathological process. Photobiotechnology necessary for the accumulation of material in the creation of scientific-pedagogical literature. In addition, the photographic material may be a strong argument in controversial legal cases. However, to obtain high-quality images is not enough to be literate and observant expert, have yet to master the technique of photography. That is why the guide covers the basic rules of training to work with fotoserial lamp, the principles of photobiotechnology, visualization methods the objects of study in various structures of the eye.