Visual functions and their correction in children [Text] : manual for physicians / ed. by S. E. Avetisov, T. P. Kashchenko, A. M. Shamshinova. - Moscow : Medicine, 2005. - 872 p.: Col.Il., table. Fig.


The guide congenital diseases of the organ of vision in children, which need surgery (congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma, degenerative diseases of the cornea).

The guide summarizes the experience of the previous century on the main sections of pediatric ophthalmology. The questions of blindness and low vision, refraction and accommodation, strabology and myopia, amblyopia, and nystagmus, what face pediatric ophthalmologists in everyday practice.

Considered congenital diseases of the organ of vision in children, which need surgery (congenital cataract, congenital glaucoma, degenerative diseases of the cornea), as well as albinism.
In the description of hereditary diseases of the retina and optic nerve, malformations of the optic nerve, retinopathy of prematurity and retronasally pathology covers modern concepts of the pathogenesis of these diseases, advances in molecular biology and genetics, and diagnostic methods.

For ophthalmologists, medical students, graduate students and residents.