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Young Ophthalmologists League: Conference Report

8 April 2024, Monday 08:10 Просмотров: 997

Conference Report:

«Young Ophthalmologists League»

On April 5, 2024 Ufa Eye Research Institute welcomed delegates of the annual international conference «Young Ophthalmologists League». The hybrid meeting attracted more than 300 participants from across the world.

The scientific program included 26 reports, presented by young professionals.


During the Live Surgery sessin young surgeons K.Kudoyarova and I. Nuriev demonstrated their skills in surgical management of recurrent macular hole and femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery with multifocal IOL implantation. 

CXL wetlab session was a combination of theory and pratice. The participants learned about the stages of corneal colllagen cross-linking and were shown the entire cross-linking process using the UFalink device.


At the end of the Conference the jury announced the winners of Best Report Contest:

«Best Report in Russian» - K. Titoyan (Ufa), V. Antonov (Saint Petesburg)

«Best Report in English» - Dr. Shriuti Nishanth (India)

«Best Speaker» - A. Nikitina (Moscow)


Although the Conference was positioned as a youth event, it aroused great interest among more experienced ophthalmologists, this is evidenced by a large number of virtual participants and a lively discussion.