East-West 2017. Interactive poster session. Requirements.
Dear colleagues!
In the framework of the international scientific-practical conference on ophthalmology “East – West 2017” (Ufa, 08 - 09 June 2017) will be an interactive poster session.
This session will feature original materials in different fields of ophthalmology in the form of presentation with accompanying face-to-face review authors.
Presentation requirements:
format Роwer Point,
- volume – up to 7 slides, including 1st slide with the title of the work.
Presentation time is no more than 3 min., followed by a discussion of the presented work.
Presentation of the report should be submitted in advance no later 01.04.17 marked "e-poster" to the email address ufaeyenauka@mail.ru
Additional information on UV research Institute GB www.ufaeyeinstitute.ru
Sincerely, the conference Committee East-West 2017
Contact information:
+7 (347) 273 - 51 - 08, ufaeyenauka@mail.ru
+7 (917) 491 - 86 - 74, vitreoretinal@yandex.ru