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The wizards, who grant people the vision

18 October 2013, Friday 00:00 Просмотров: 617

Dear editors!

Want on the pages of your newspaper to Express my gratitude to the doctors of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. They are real wizards who grant people the vision, the ability to see white light.

Many thanks to the chief physician of Zuleyha Ramilevna Marvanova and her Deputy Ilgiz Mirgasimovich Kagirova for a clear organization of work and repeated assistance rendered to me personally.

Big thanks to the doctor in charge of the emergency room in the street of Aurora Guzel Rafailovna the fomichevoy, which showed sensitivity, care and professionalism that I'm nearly blind - came to her in mid-August.

It is difficult to find words to Express all my gratitude to the attending doctor, senior researcher of the Department of vitreoretinal laser surgery, aliyah Linareva Yarmuhamedova and the head of the fourth branch of eye microsurgery, candidate of medical Sciences Camille the Nailyevich Ahtjamova. Despite the fact that it was late Saturday night, they arrived in the emergency room on call the doctor on duty and promptly gave me the necessary help than to preserve the remnants of my vision. They to this day I have help, consult, prescribe treatment. Low bow to them!

A big thank you to the attending physician of the third branch of the eye microsurgery Inge Rishatovna Grazeway and Department head Rustem Abdullin, Rifovich for helping. During the week that I spent there, they closely monitored the condition of my vision, instilling hope for successful outcome of treatment.

I would also like to Express my gratitude to the doctors from the Department of vitreoretinal laser surgery: head of Rinat Rustamovich Fayzrakhmanova and Gulnaz Nazirovna Sitovoj that using a laser has virtually saved my sight.

Thank you to the nurses offices in via Aurora, which scrupulously complied with all the prescription. Their hard work is respected. Special thanksthe procedural nurse of the third division, sulfa Zakirova and guard the fourth branch nurse Gulnaz Nazmieva. Thank you to the nurses who maintain cleanliness in the premises and carefully treat the patients, performing sometimes our various requests that do not fall within the scope of their duties.

All employees of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases characterized by high professionalism and devotion to their noble cause. Bashkortostan is rightfully proud of this institution, which is one of the best in their field of medicine.


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