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In the capital of the Republic discussed the modern problems of ophthalmology

7 June 2014, Saturday 00:00 Просмотров: 592

Ufa takes the leading world ophthalmologists. In the capital of the Republic is held the scientific-practical conference "East-West". From his point of view regarding the treatment of eye diseases will introduce scientists from Russia, USA, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, and Japan, India and Vietnam. The practical part of the conference takes place in the form of so-called "live surgery".

The cataract operation passes in front of a dozen spectators. The surgical intervention in real time is beyond the operating room. The so-called "live surgery" when the doctor not only tells, but shows the technique, already became the visiting card of an international conference of ophthalmologists. This exponential operation is performed by a Professor from Italy.

During the conference the walls of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases different surgeons will hold nine such demonstration operations. Later movies will be available for professionals and on the Internet. Ophthalmologist from USA Hermann Schubert three years ago, the conference has already demonstrated its author's method for the treatment of lesions of the retina. After the master class this method is implemented, including in the Ufa scientific research Institute. American physician and today is about what to tell colleagues.

The conference was attended by about 700 ophthalmologists. These are guests from different regions of Russia, CIS and far abroad. The representative forum brought together leading world experts. The main topics for discussion this year were diseases of the cornea and the retina, and the vascular lesions of the eye.

Ufa to host such a large event became a advances ophthalmology in the region, emphasized by the participants of the conference. The Bashkir specialists without exaggeration, are in the top-leaders of developmentmodern techniques and create their own breakthrough technologies that subsequently adopting the world's leading clinics.