Ufa research Institute of eye diseases took part in scientific-practical conference "Modern ophthalmology: the integration of science and practice" (Kazakhstan, Almaty)
In Almaty began a two-day jubilee scientific-practical conference "Modern ophthalmology: the integration of science and practice", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the Kazakh research Institute of eye diseases, according to Zakon.kz
The event was attended by prominent scientists-ophthalmologists of the many parts of the world - from the UK, Germany, USA, Russia, Uzbekistan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Hungary, India and so on, as well as their colleagues from all over Kazakhstan. On the same site at the House of scientists was gathered scientific community representatives of East and West, Europe and Asia, who are to discuss such actual problems of modern ophthalmology like refractive disorders, glaucoma, vascular diseases of the eye, ophthalmooncology, dry eye syndrome, orthokeratology, and so on. This is the main purpose of the conference.
Kazakh research Institute of eye diseases was established on 21 October 1933. Since then, it took 85 years. Over the years, the Institute is one of the leading ophthalmologic centers of the Soviet Union and later the CIS. Since 1955, the Kazakh research Institute of eye diseases took 3rd place for transplantation of the cornea in the USSR.
Since 2013, corneal transplantation is performed using a femtosecond laser. Currently, the Institute is the center of the cornea transplant, he was one of the first CIS countries to introduce endothelial keratoplasty.
Overall, as noted by the head of the Kazakh research Institute of eye diseases, doctor of medical Sciences Marat Suleimenov, the Institute is the leading centre in the country and provides a full range of ophthalmic diagnostic and therapeutic measures.
- We have developed a program of screening for glaucoma in all regions of Kazakhstan are open glaucoma centers, can detect glaucoma in its early stages, - said Marat Suleimenov. - Vitreoretinalsurgery develops since 2005, employees of the Institute performed complex surgery on the vitreous and retina, including macular eliminate gaps in the research Institute developed and successfully applied domestic vitreosyneresis "Vitrenal". As the coordinator of services for retinopathy of prematurity, the Institute developed and put into practice screening for this disease across the country, on the basis of the perinatal centres opened offices in the cities of Astana, Almaty, Shymkent, Pavlodar, Karaganda, Atyrau, Ust-Kamenogorsk, where detect retinopathy of prematurity in a timely manner and perform laser treatment.
According to the speaker, for the first time this year in the Kazakh research Institute of eye diseases and in its branch in Astana is performed early lensvitrectomy infants with retinopathy of prematurity. Previously, such patients went abroad.
The Institute is the initiator of organ-preserving treatment of intraocular tumors in our country. Since 2011 holds the laser treatment of intraocular melanomas of small dimensions, and in 2015 – retinoblastom. In recent years, successfully applied intravitreal chemotherapy for retinoblastoma.
This year on the basis of Scientific center of Pediatrics and pediatric surgery at the initiative of the Kazakh research Institute of eye diseases implemented method of selective intra-arterial chemotherapy of retinoblastoma, which is the method of first choice throughout the world and to avoid removing the eye.
Kazakh research Institute of eye diseases is actively developing international cooperation, one of its partners is the University of Cardiff (UK). Professionals, known far beyond their countries, scientists, the heads of the major ophthalmic community are United in the opinion that the Kazakh research Institute of eye diseases has a great future.
- There used to be a very big problem in Kazakhstan, in Bashkortostan, in the Volga region is carried -says General Director of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, MD, Professor, corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan M. Bikbov. - It so happened that our research institutions - and Ufa, and Kazakh - in the vast Soviet Union were the oldest. We already 92 years old, and you - 85. They were established to combat trachoma. And the biggest merit of these institutions in the fact that trachoma has been eliminated. It was indeed a very big problem, and honor and praise to our Kazakh colleagues that in their country it's solved completely. If to speak about the current situation, yesterday Marat Suleimenov showed us a modern institution, and we were just amazed and delighted and the staff and equipment, and all that is done in this Institute. Having great services in the past, the Institute is now focused on the future. And we are sure that all the tasks set before him, will be resolved at the highest level, because all the advanced technologies that exist today in the world, you have.
With the 85th anniversary congratulated Kazakhstan ophthalmologists doctor of medical Sciences, General Director of the Yekaterinburg centre of IRTC "eye microsurgery" Oleg Shilovsky: "I come to Almaty with a special feeling, it's the city of my childhood, the first time I was brought here two years and then every summer I spent here, I remember Gorky Park, remember manti is a special city for me, I always come here with trepidation and great pleasure. You now 85 and in a week our clinic celebrates 30 years, here are our anniversaries. I wish you great success, let's continue to cooperate, we have no barriers, we are always with you."
- I have the honour to be present at the jubilee conference of your Institute, which personally I have more than 20 years of scientific and friendly relations, - said in his welcoming speech, the doctor of medical Sciences, Professor of Tbilisi medical University Merab Dvali. We all see how fast the progress you have ophthalmology, and that some diseases, which we have ten years did not attach any importance, today attentionattention. For example, no one paid any attention to the dryness of the eyes, and now in many leading European firms are working on this problem and I just today invited two of the Symposium to discuss these issues. It is very important that new treatments that we saw here in Almaty, I'm coming for the benefit of people, they can get the treatment that you receive in the best hospitals of the world. I am sure that this conference will further strengthen our friendship and cooperation.
Professor, head of Department of ophthalmology University. count Philippe, Director of the University eye clinic of Marburg (Germany) Walter Sekundo for the first time in Kazakhstan. According to him, he hoped to hear on the forum something new for themselves and will share with the Kazakhstan colleagues the results of research in Germany. Guest believes that his colleagues from Kazakhstan are going in the right direction. "Touches of true friendship and true partnership of Directors of the Institute, colleagues, team your unique institution," said the guest.
Unlike Mr. Walter Sekundo, MD, Professor, General Director of Novosibirsk branch "IRTC "eye microsurgery" them. S. N. Fedorov V. Black people in Kazakhstan not for the first time, he was a native of SKO.
- I am citizen of Kazakhstan, thank you very much to Kazakhstan, I have your master, ' says the Professor. In 1982 I went to Novosibirsk, and stayed there, grew up from the ophthalmologist to the Director of the clinic. We have a very good relationship as neighbors we must work together. I hope my Kazakhstani colleagues will come to us, we are ready to share with you their scientific research, to work together with you, we know what you have a powerful school, and I think we have a great future. On behalf of Siberians congratulate you on your birthday.
Tomorrow the conference will continue its work.
For the first time in the framework of the conference there will be sessions of the society of ophthalmologists of Turkic-speaking countries and one of the leading centers in Russia - Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. Also best ophthalmologists of Kazakhstan and Germany will share their experiences at the session "live surgery" and will demonstrate the modern techniques of refractive surgery, cataract operations and elimination of retinal detachment. In total Kazakhstan ophthalmologists will hold about 10 unique operations using the latest technology with stream in online.