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  4. Part of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases in the all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "New technologies in ophthalmology", (Kazan)

Part of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases in the all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "New technologies in ophthalmology", (Kazan)

18 April 2017, Tuesday 00:00 Просмотров: 693

13, 14, 15 April 2017 in Kazan has passed the all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "New technologies in ophthalmology".

"New technologies in ophthalmology" is an annual all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation. The conference this year was dedicated to four important events in the history of Tatarstan ophthalmology:

· The 95th anniversary of the founding of Kazan ophthalmologic hospitals;
· The 150th anniversary of the Department of ophthalmology of Kazan state medical University;
· The 110th anniversary of the founding of the Kazan Society of ophthalmologists;
· The 95th anniversary of the Department of ophthalmology of KSMA.

To participate in the meetings were invited ophthalmologists, ophthalmic surgeons, pediatric ophthalmologists, optometrists, nurses in the specialty "ophthalmology", researchers of the Department of ophthalmology of higher education institutions from all over Russia and CIS Countries, and representatives of medical firms and professionals whose activities are connected with the problems of eye diseases. Given the value of the contribution of the Kazan doctors in the development of ophthalmology, the conference was attended by about 1,500 participants.

On the agenda were meetings on the most common and rare diseases of the organ of vision, the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment, clinical examples from professional life. Special attention was paid to the author's methods are conservative, laser and surgical treatment of ophthalmic pathology.

The event was held the traditionalsection on "live surgery" during which online ophthalmic surgeons of Tatarstan and constituent entities of the Russian Federation carried out master classes on vitreoretinal surgery leading eye clinics of the city of Kazan.

On the first day of the conference after the live surgery was conducted by Retina-debate on controversial issues retinal surgery. As an expert give an oral presentation were invited the head of the Department vitreoretinalis and laser surgery Institute of eye diseases Faizrakhmanov R. R., who presented a report on the peeling of the inner limiting membrane in retinal detachment.

The floor was given to the head of the Department of pathology of the retina FGAU IRTC "eye microsurgery" them. Acad. S. N. Fedorov, M. D. P. V. Liskina, which was to justify the advantages of this type of surgery. However, the debate on this subject was not such as was expected by the audience because the speaker has somewhat deviated from the topic. He stressed that ILM peeling is a traumatic procedure retina removal of VPM with a partial removal and exposure of the nerve fiber layer. He also noted that the axiom is confirmed by practice, is the fact that the probability of closure of the macular hole higher in the case of the peels. P. V. Liskin recalled that the detachment set chutki is a complex and largely unpredictable in terms of outcome of surgical intervention pathology, which cannot reach 100% guaranteed result. The combination of retinal detachment with macular hole worsens the prognosis of the outcome of surgical treatment. The speaker under - stressed that any action aimed at improving the effectiveness of surgical treatment of retinal detachment, is warranted. "Deletion of VPM produced in the retinal detachment with a macular hole, is less evil than another surgery in case of recurrence of retinal detachment", – said P. V. Liskin in the concluding part of his speech. The speaker recommending to avoid the Dan - ing the procedure, became head of the Department of vitreoretinal and laser surgery the state of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus,M. D. R. R. fayzrakhmanov. He began his speech with the story of the removal procedure, VPM, and also cited data from various authors and sources that speak both for and against the removal of VPM. Among the indications for ILM removal R. R. fayzrakhmanov allocated epiretinal membrane, macular hole, thrombosis of branches of tsvs, epiretinal fibrosis with proliferation. In conclusion, R. R. fayzrakhmanov, said: "I can't say that I am completely against the removal of VPM. It would be wrong. My opinion is: if we have the interest of the Central section of the retina, it is necessary to carry out the operation, if the macula is not interested, in particular, even if there is a retinal detachment, then remove the inner limiting membrane no sense. In addition, let's not forget that when retinal detachment without macular gap suffers a photo - receptor layer, and additional surgery to remove the VPM without interest stress occurs in the retina".

Before the start of the debate the question was put to the vote, in which 54.1% of those present voted "Yes" and 45.9% against. At the end of the discussion, again, a vote was taken, the result of which "for" deletion of VPM spoke 26.3% of those present, against – 73,7% (supported the view Rinat Rustamovich).