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Thank you Ufa ophthalmologists!

24 March 2017, Friday 00:00 Просмотров: 926

Спасибо уфимским офтальмологам.jpgTHANK YOU UFA OPHTHALMOLOGISTS!

73-year-old nail Basyrov cured of cataracts and glaucoma.

Elderly people often stop to experience the world in its entirety due to problems with vision. To see all its beauty with a serious "minus" is problematic. The points from this trouble, sometimes, unfortunately, they're not. Especially in the presence of comorbidities. The exit in this situation only one operation.

25 years I wore contact lenses. Then I was diagnosed with cataracts and glaucoma, had to get in line for the surgery already glasses really nothing to be seen. Stood in the queue for surgery in Ufa research Institute of eye diseases. In the end, not only with cataracts understood, but vision to three diopters has improved, says 73-year-old ufimka nail Basyrov. And nurses what: meet, accompany, in detail, any question ready to answer. Seldom now, because all the hospitals dismiss the elderly. And then 90-year treat, and treat successfully!

All the treatment Basyrova was free, now she is still under care of doctors but is recovering steadily. The operation was done with the help of modern techniques using ultrasound.

- I work with excellent professionals, they work at the European level. How grateful I am Aigul Bikbulatova, Olga Orenburkina, Denis Sarvarova and the chief of Department of Minnale Absaljamov - they are doctors from God! I got a second youth, but it's worth it, says Naila. These doctors undertake even the most complicated cases. I sincerely wish them health and success in work!
