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The results of the contest "My mom and dad work at the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases"

5 July 2012, Thursday 00:00 Просмотров: 832

5 Jul 2012 in the Assembly hall of SBI "scientific research Institute UV GB an RB" it's been rewarding young artists, children of employees of the Institute. The contest, entitled "My mom and dad work at the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases", dedicated to the 85th anniversary of GBU "UV NII GB an RB" first place was awarded to Nurgaleeva Aida 9 years, the second place was divided between Gafiatullin Niaz 10 years and angelina Gumerova 6 years, the third place got Muhamedianova Nerces 8 years, Abdolhosein Ilhan 6 years, fayzrahmanova Margarita 3.5 years.

The remaining participants received consolation prizes: Akhmetov yasmin for 3 years, Timofeeva Anastasia 10 years old, Karina Abdullina 3 years, Safonova Veronica 7 years, Kalentieva Alina 4 years, Faizullin Emilia 2.5 years, uzbekova Camila 8 years, Akmatjanova Camila 8 years, Safiullin Artem 8 years, Gainullina Amina 4 years, Ariel Edward age 9, Victoria Ganeeva 12 years.

Young artists

I place Nurgaleeva Aida 9 years, DCPO Nurgaleeva MilyaushaMufazalov

IIplacethe Gafiatullin Niaz 10 years oszt safargalieva

Angelina Gumerova 6 years – CRF Gumerova S. G. (prize puzzle)

III place Abdulhusein Ilhan 6 years – Ohgod Sagadatova Naila L. M.

Fayzrahmanova Margarita 3.5 years - IVм.x.about. Faizrakhmanov Rinat Rustemovich

Muhamedianova Nerces 8 years – AUP Muhamedianova Aliya Shamilevna


Akhmetov yasmin 3 years - 1 M. H. A. Bikbov: Guzel Maharramova

Timofeeva Anastasia 10 years –IV M. H. O. Racemation(prize puzzle)

Karina Abdullina 3 years – the emergency room (the prize is a soft toy)

Veronica Safonova 7 years oszt(prize puzzle)

Kalentieva Alina 4 years – 4 M. H. O. Kalentieva Alsu Zufarovna (the prize is a soft toy)

Faizullin Emilia 2.5 years – DCPO. Aliya Salavatovna (the prize is a soft toy)

Uzbekova Camila 8 years – clinical laboratory (prize puzzle)

Akmatjanova Camila 8 years CRF (prize puzzle)

Safiullin Artem 8 years – II M. H. O. Ivanova Svetlana (prize puzzle)

Gainullina Amin 4-year - Ohgod farkhutdinova Aigul Ansafone (the prize is a soft toy)

Ariel Edward 9 years – children's M. H. O. Arava Rita (prize puzzle)

Victoria Ganeeva 12 years – Oper unit.Pushkin, 90. (prize puzzle)