Report PhD fayzrahmanova R. R. ophthalmologist Ufrii GB was recognized as one of the best and awarded ”VasKon-2014” on 22-23 March in Chennai (India).
Head of the Department of vitreoretinal and laser surgery MD Faizrakhmanov R. R. participated in the work of the international ophthalmological Congress ”VasKon-2014”, which took place on 22-23 March in Chennai (India). The holding of this Congress is one of the most important developments in ophthalmology for countries in the East. This is due to the large number of participants, an extensive exhibition, multidisciplinary meetings. Traditionally, the Congress was conducted in English.
The Congress was attended by more than 800 experts and researchers in various fields of ophthalmology from 13 countries, including the USA, Japan, Singapore, China, Philippines. Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, as one of the leading ophthalmic institutions of the Russian Federation, was the only representative of Russia at the Congress.
The scientific program included 8 main sessions. Meetings were held simultaneously in 4 halls. The main directions of the Congress: age-related macular degeneration; surgery of anterior and posterior segments of the eye; intraocular tumors; new technologies of treatment of diseases of the retina; uveitis; diabetic lesions of the eye; vitreoretinal surgery; corneal pathology.
Rinat Rustamovich Faizrakhmanov in the main meeting presented a report on ”My Experience with MICS Procedures”, which was accompanied by a video. According to experts, the report of the ophthalmologist of Ufa among many reports from India, USA, Japan, Singapore, China, the Philippines was recognized as one of the best and awarded ”VasKon-2014”. In their work Faizrakhmanov R. R. demonstrated experience in the use of seamless scleral fixation of IOL in the absence of zonular and12pt; line-height: 150%; text-indent: 35.4 pt;">vitreoretinal pathology through the incisions, which caused a lively interest among the Congress participants.

Great interest among the participants of the Congress called the video session, which presented a new technique of surgical treatment of pathology of retina and vitreous, lens pathology. The session vitreoretinal surgery Rinat Rustamovich participated in the expert meeting in which they evaluated the quality of vitreoretinal surgery for various pathologies.system pathologies through the incisions, which caused a lively interest among the Congress participants.
The exhibition of ophthalmic equipment of the representatives of various countries presented new technologies in the treatment of diseases of the anterior and posterior segment of the eye, while great attention was paid to laser technology.
Employee participation UV NII GB an RB in the work of the international ophthalmological Congress of ophthalmology award for new methods of surgical treatment indicate a high level of research and recognition of the Institute of international ophthalmology community.