
Ophthalmologists Bashkortostan discussed the problems of glaucoma


10 April 2013, Wednesday 00:00

Ophthalmologists Bashkortostan discussed the problems of glaucoma

In the Ufa scientific research Institute of eye diseases of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus hosted a scientific-pract...
Prof. M. M. Bikbov MD, PhD and G. M. Bikbov: become winners of prizes named after outstanding scientists of Bashkortostan
The dedication ceremony of Professor Egorov E. A. in of Honorary Professor of the Institute
APR 5, 2013 regular meeting Bash ROOOR, devoted to topical issues of glaucoma.
MEDICAL ETHICS AND DEONTOLOGY. Bikbov M. M., Abdrakhmanova E. S. the World of ophthalmology №1 March-2013


29 March 2013, Friday 00:00

MEDICAL ETHICS AND DEONTOLOGY. Bikbov M. M., Abdrakhmanova E. S. the World ...

The newspaper "World of ophthalmology" No. 1 (12), March, 2013