Part of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases in the 15th all-Russian scientific-practical conference with international participation "Modern technologies in vitreoretinal pathology treatment", Sochi, on March 16-17, 2017.
researcher R. M. Zainullin.
Was presented 2 e-poster: Bikbov M. M., zaynullin R. M., Faizrakhmanov R. R. "the Effectiveness of vitrectomy c peeling of the inner limiting membrane in diabetic macular edema combined with vitreomacular traction syndrome"; fayzrakhmanov R. R., Bikbov M. M., Kalanov M. R., Gil'manshin I T. R. "the Effectiveness of anti-VEGF prior to vitrectomy in patients with proliferative stage of diabetic retinopathy".
In the section "New in vitreoretinal surgery" sounded a verbal report from a group of authors: M. M. Bikbov, R. fayzrakhmanov R. "surgical treatment of patients with fibrovascular membranes in macular degeneration with a partial restoration of the retinal pigment epithelium". The message sparked public interest and a lively discussion.
For the participants were organized ophthalmology exhibition of new equipment and presentation of the latest ophthalmic products.
The conference was held in a friendly environment and helped to create new opportunities to showcase achievements in the world of ophthalmology, including the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases.