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  3. News: Conference
  4. Report. A regular meeting of the Bashkir regional branch of the Society of ophthalmologists of Russia, regional branch in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Russian public organization "Association of ophthalmologists"

Report. A regular meeting of the Bashkir regional branch of the Society of ophthalmologists of Russia, regional branch in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Russian public organization "Association of ophthalmologists"

6 March 2017, Monday 00:00 Просмотров: 847

hydrodynamics and accommodation of the eye research Institute GB Samara state medical University, doctor of medical Sciences E. V. Karlova, in which she presented data on the incidence of glaucoma in the Samara region and highlighted the issues of rational therapy of this disease.

The conference featured the following presentations: "Epidemiological aspects of glaucoma in the Republic of Bashkortostan" (M. D. A. E. Babushkin), "Peculiarities of treatment of patients with diabetic macular edema in glaucoma" (MD Faizrakhmanov R. R.), "Tactics of treatment of patients after drainage surgery of glaucoma" (Ph. D. I. I. Khusnitdinov), "Treatment of glaucoma in children" (M. D. I. S. zaidullin), "Features lesozagotovitelnoj therapy in primary glaucoma" (MD Akmanova AA).

Keen interest of the conference aroused a live webcast from Novosibirsk of the roundtable on the treatment of corneal pathology "Keratoplasty. Professional approach, experience and intuition". During the conference leading researcher of the Institute, PhD Usubov E. L. gave a presentation on the topic: "Modern approaches in corneal surgery with the use of canned material."

Meeting of the regional branch in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Russian public organization "Association of doctors —ophthalmologists" has passed in a business setting, with discussion and lively debate.