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  4. A regular meeting of the Bashkir regional branch of the Society of ophthalmologists of Russia, regional branch in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Russian public organization "Association of ophthalmologists"

A regular meeting of the Bashkir regional branch of the Society of ophthalmologists of Russia, regional branch in the Republic of Bashkortostan and the Russian public organization "Association of ophthalmologists"

11 April 2017, Tuesday 00:00 Просмотров: 1078

the good performance in 2016, were awarded certificates and gifts.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Minister of healthcare of the Republic of Belarus Syrtlanova E. R., who in his speech gave a high assessment of the contribution of the Ufa research Institute of eye diseases, headed by its Director Bikbov M. M. in development of the pediatric ophthalmology service of the Republic. Elsa Raifovna on behalf of the Ministry of health of Belarus congratulated Muhtarovich of Muharram on the anniversary and gave a Welcoming address.

The program of the conference were presented lectures by well-known children's ophthalmologists of Russia, highlighted the issues of diagnosis

and treatment of the most urgent at the present stage of eye diseases in children. Great attention was paid to aspects of early diagnosis and timely treatment of this severe pathology of eyes in children, as retinopathy of prematurity, which today is the most common cause of blindness and visual disability in early childhood.

A policy report on this subject was presented by Professor E. I. Sidorenko (Moscow), which caused the audience great interest. Their experience of early surgical intervention in the form of aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity shared head of Department of laser surgery bottom eye pathology of the Kaluga branch of FGAU "IRTC "eye microsurgery" Sidorov Yu. a., presenting the indications for early surgical treatment and the machinery for its implementation. Head of children's ophthalmologic branch of the same institution Tereshchenkova M. S. during the lecture "Telemedicine technology in retinopathy of prematurity" presented the audience with the main stages of the management of children with active stages of the disease through the use of modern technologies and introduced the algorithm of digital retinoscopy and the author's program of quantitative analysis of the retina "ROP-МОRPHOMETRY" in these patients for expert assessment. According to the authors, the introduction oftelemedicine will improve the level and quality of care of infants with this pathology in the remote areas of the region.

Modern approaches to surgical treatment of retinopathy of prematurity was lit PhD, associate Professor of ophthalmology of the pediatric faculty Russian national research medical University them. N. And. Pirogov, Astasheva I. B. (Moscow). About comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with cicatricial stage of the disease, said PhD, associate Professor in the Department of ophthalmology of the pediatric faculty Russian national research medical University them. N. And. Pirogov, I. V. Lobanov (Moscow). Pediatric consultative polyclinic Department. A. S. presented the results of diagnostics and treatment of children with retinopathy of prematurity in Ufa research Institute of eye diseases.

With great interest was zaslusheny lecture on the use of toric IOLs in children with corneal astigmatism, which was presented by the head of the ophthalmology Department GBUZ MO MONICA, chief ophthalmologist MOH MOE, CFA, PhD, Professor A. A. Ryabtseva(Moscow). Head. children's microsurgical Department of state budgetary institution "research Institute UV EN GB RB", MD, zaidullin I. S. announced the results of surgery of congenital cataract in children.

Not less important problem at present is the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases in children. Issues of early diagnosis, rational drug therapy and prevention of relapse of inflammatory eye diseases in children were covered in lectures by Professor Markova E. Y. (Moscow), in which the author elaborated on etiological and pathogenetic aspects of the problem.

With great interest listened to the lecture of the head of the Department of therapeutic ophthalmology FGAU "IRTC "eye microsurgery them. S. N. Fedorov," MD of Machuca D. Y. (Moscow) on the management of children with corneal ulcers associated with blepharitis. The lecturer introduced the students to the basic reasons for development of corneal ulcers in chronic blepharitis, etiopathogenetic therapy and prophylaxis of this pathology of eyes in children